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Omnitracs Knowledge Base



This function returns the hours gained at midnight by drivers, today and tomorrow. Results will be returned for the requested driver IDs. If the requested driver ID does not exist the result for that driver ID will be omitted. Each invocation can only pass in maximum of 1000 driver IDs. If the input has more than 1000 IDs then an exception will be thrown.

XML Request

The GetRollOffTime function takes one parameter

Parameter Type Description
DriverIdList string An array of driver IDs for which hours gained information is required.
    <GetRollOffTime xmlns="">  

XML Response

The GetRolloffTime function returns the following values:

Parameter Type Description
DriverId string The driver's Id
RollOfToday int Time in minutes that will be gained at the end of current day.
RollOffTomorrow int Time in minutes that will be gained at the end of next day.
    <GetRollOffTimeResponse xmlns="">  
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