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GetLogExceptions (Driver Function)

The GetLogExceptions method returns the 16-hour exception requests and grants that fall within the requested date range. The requests and grants are tied to a specific duty status change, and hence the time of the request/grant is the start time of the corresponding duty status. Therefore, if the start time of the duty status falls outside the requested date range (e.g. the request was before midnight but the grant was after midnight), the corresponding request/grant will not be returned. The dates are expected to be in driver's depot timezone.

Note: If a driverID is invalid or if a Driver has no excpetions for the time range specified, that Driver's LogExceptions tag it not present in the response

XML Request

The GetLogExceptions function takes the following input parameters:

Parameter Type Optional Description
Drivers String No An array of driverIDs to be exported. Max 1000 drivers in the list are supported
Start dateTime No Start time of any exception usage data to be returned, specified in WS user local time zone
End dateTime No Last (end) time of any exception usage data to be returned, specified in WS user local time zone
TimeResolutionInSeconds Boolean Yes This parameter specifies whether certain values in the response are returned in seconds or minutes. If true, values are returned in seconds; otherwise in minutes. This parameter is optional. If the parameter is omitted, then values in the response are returned in minutes. See the response description for the effected fields.


    <GetLogExceptions xmlns="">      <request>  

XML Response

The GetLogExceptions function response includes the following parameters:

Parameter Type Description
LogExceptionsList Array Contains list of <LogExceptions> elements, one per driver in the response
LogExceptions Object Contains <DriverId> and <ExceptionDataList>, a list of <ExceptionData> elements
DriverId String Driver ID of the corresponding driver
ExceptionDataList Array An array of <ExceptionData> elements
ExceptionData Element Contains a <ExceptionType> and <ExceptionTime> element
ExceptionType Enumeration One of REQUEST _16_HR or GRANT_16_HR or REQUEST_GRANT_16_HR or UNKNOWN
ExceptionTime dateTime Returned in Driver's local time zone of the corresponding request/grant, which corresponds to the start of the duty status to which this exception is contained. There is no time zone designation. If TimeResolutionInSeconds is false or omitted in the request, then ExceptionTime will be truncated to the minute.
    <GetLogExceptionsResponse xmlns="">  
                <ExceptionType>REQUEST_16_HR or GRANT_16_HR or REQUEST_GRANT_16_HR or GRANT_16_HR or REQUEST_GRANT_16_HR or UNKNOWN</ExceptionType>  
                <ExceptionType>REQUEST_16_HR or GRANT_16_HR or REQUEST_GRANT_16_HR or GRANT_16_HR or REQUEST_GRANT_16_HR or UNKNOWN</ExceptionType>  
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