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Omnitracs Knowledge Base


Get (Driver Function)

Get returns the driver properties for the specified driver.

XML Request

The Get function takes the following input parameters:

Parameter Type Description
DriverId String The driver whose properties should be returned
    <Get xmlns="">  

XML Response

The XML response will have a <Driver> tag that contains the following values:

Parameter Type Description
DriverID string The driver's ID
Password string The driver's password that was configured in HOS. If the driver's password has changed since he was set up in HOS, this may not be the most recent password.
LastName string The driver's last name
FirstName string The driver's first name
DepotId short The ID of the driver's depot
DriverGroup list of GroupName A list of groups to which the driver belongs. If the driver is not in any group, this list is empty.
InOffDutyDrvPolicy Enum Is the driver allowed to participate in the company's off duty driving policy or not. Possible values: NotAllowed or Allowed
WaitingInOilWell Enum Flag that determines if a driver can wait in oil well or not.* Possible values: NotAllowed or Allowed
TwentyFourHrReset Enum Flag that determines if a driver can take 24 hour resets or not.* Possible values: NotAllowed or Allowed
HazmatLoadHauler Enum Flag that determines if a driver can take a rest break while on duty and carrying hazardous loads.* Possible values: NotAllowed or Allowed
EnableUSRestBreakExemption Enum Flag that indicates whether the driver is permitted to use the Rest Break Exemption. Possible values: NotAllowed or Allowed
EnableSixteenHourExemption Enum Flag that determines if a driver is enabled for 16-hour exemption. Possible values: NotAllowed or Allowed
CurrentRuleSet Enum The driver's current rule set. Possible values: USA, CANMain, CANNorth, USACalifornia, USAFlorida, USATexas, or USAAlaska
USADefaultDutyCycle Enum The driver's duty cycle when using USA or intrastate rules. Possible values: SevenDay or EightDay
CanadaDefaultDutyCycle Enum The driver's duty cycle when using Canadian rules. Possible values: SevenDay or FourteenDay
CarrierName string The name of the driver's carrier, if any.
ELDExempt Boolean Flag indicating driver is exempt from ELD requirements
ELDExemptReason String Up to 60 characters describing the reason, if driver is exempt. Mandatory if driver is exempt; not used otherwise
EnableYardMove Enum Driver's setting for use of Yard Move. Possible values: NotAllowed or Allowed, or null. Presently, a null return value indicates Yard Move NotAllowed.

* The WaitingInOilWell, TwentyFourHrReset, and HazmatLoadHauler values are the values stored for this particular driver. This is independent of the corresponding company wide values that are settable in the HOS Setup screen. If these have been set to true, but the company's corresponding overall setting in the HOS Setup screen has been disabled, this operation still returns Allowed for the driver. However, since the company level setting was disabled, the driver will not be allowed to use that feature.

    <GetResponse xmlns="">  
            <GroupName xsi:nil="true" />  
            <GroupName xsi:nil="true" />  
          <InOffDutyDrvPolicy>NotAllowed or Allowed</InOffDutyDrvPolicy>  
          <WaitingInOilWell>None or NotAllowed or Allowed</WaitingInOilWell>  
          <TwentyFourHourReset>None or NotAllowed or Allowed</TwentyFourHourReset>  
          <HazmatLoadHauler>None or NotAllowed or Allowed</HazmatLoadHauler>  
          <CurrentRuleSet>USA or CANMain or CANNorth or USACalifornia or USAFlorida or USATexas or USAAlaska</CurrentRuleSet>  
          <UsaDefaultDutyCycle>None or SevenDay or EightDay</UsaDefaultDutyCycle>  
          <CanadaDefaultDutyCycle>None or SevenDay or FourteenDay</CanadaDefaultDutyCycle>  
          <EnableUSRestBreakExemption>None or NotAllowed or Allowed</EnableUSRestBreakExemption>  
		  <EnableSixteenHourExemption>None or NotAllowed or Allowed</EnableSixteenHourExemption>  
          <ELDExempt>True or False</ELDExempt>  
          <EnableYardMove>NotAllowed or Allowed</EnableYardMove>  
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