ClockInOut (Driver Function)
The ClockInOut method allows customers to clock a driver in or out in HOS via integration (for example, with an existing customer's time clock system.)
Note: The ClockInOut web service will not update a driver's duty status logs immediately. Clock ins/outs are created as pending edits against the driver's current duty status. The driver must approve the edits upon logging into a vehicle.
XML Request
The ClockInOut function takes the following input parameters:
Parameter | Type | Optional | Description |
DriverID | String | No | Driver ID |
City | String | No | Location: City |
State | String, length = 2 | No | Location: State |
Action | Enumeration | No | One of: ClockIn; ClockOut |
EffectiveTime | DateTime | No | Time to use for recording the action in HOS, GMT |
<soap:Body> <ClockInOut xmlns=""> <clockInOutRequest> <DriverID>string</DriverID> <State>string</State> <City>string</City> <Action>ClockIn or ClockOut</Action> <EffectiveTime>dateTime</EffectiveTime> </clockInOutRequest> </ClockInOut> </soap:Body>
XML Response
The ClockInOut function response includes the following parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
DriverID | String | No | Driver ID |
City | String | No | Location: City |
State | String, length = 2 | No | Location: State |
ClockinAction | Enumeration | No | One of: ClockIn; ClockOut |
EventTime | DateTime | No | Time of event in HOS (GMT) |
ResponseCode | Enumeration | Yes | One of Success_ClockIn or Successive_ClockIn or Success_ClockOut or Successive_ClockOut or Success_ClockOut_No_Change_Previous_OffDuty or Success_ClockOut_W_Change_Previous_OffDuty |
Value | String | Yes | Additional information related to ResponseCode |
- Failures are reported via soap faults.
- Each response will have either one that exactly one ResponseCode (if success) or one fault (if failure).
Details about success/failure return codes and associated value returned
ResponseCode | Description | Value |
Success_ClockIn | Driver clocked in successfully. His current duty status is now ON duty | N/A |
Successive_ClokIn | Driver clocked in successfully. Driver's last action was also clock in | Time of previous clock in |
Success_ClockOut | Driver clocked out successfully. His current duty status is now OFF duty | N/A |
Successive_ClockOut | Driver clocked out successfully. Driver's last action was also clock out | Time of previous clock out |
Success_ClockOut_No_change_previous_offduty | Driver clocked out successfully (and is Off duty). The time since the last status (log out of mobile) is longer than the maximum allowed to change it to On duty | Time of logout |
Success_ClockOut_W_Change_Previous_OffDuty | Driver clocked out successfully (and is Off duty). The time since the last status (log out of mobile) was change it to On duty | Time of logout |
- All times returned are GMT
FaultString | Description | Value |
Failure_Driver_Does_not_exist | Driver ID does not exist | DriverID |
Failure_State_Not_Two_Character_Long | 'State' is not 2 characters long | N/A |
Failure_Future_EffectiveTime | EffectiveTime is too far into the future | N/A |
Failure_EffectiveTime_PriorTo_CurrentStatue | Clock request is prior to current duty status | N/A |
Failure_Driver_On_Mobile | Driver is currently logged into a mobile unit | Tractor ID |
<soap:Body> <ClockInOutResponse xmlns=""> <ClockInOutResult> <DriverID>string</DriverID> <City>string</City> <State>string</State> <ClockInAction>ClockIn or ClockOut</ClockInAction> <EventTime>dateTime</EventTime> <ResponseCode>Success_ClockIn or Successive_ClockIn or Success_ClockOut or Successive_ClockOut or Success_ClockOut_No_Change_Previous_OffDuty or Success_ClockOut_W_Change_Previous_OffDuty</ResponseCode> <Value>string</Value> </ClockInOutResult> </ClockInOutResponse> </soap:Body>