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Omnitracs Knowledge Base


ClockInOut (Driver Function)

The ClockInOut method allows customers to clock a driver in or out in HOS via integration (for example, with an existing customer's time clock system.)

Note: The ClockInOut web service will not update a driver's duty status logs immediately. Clock ins/outs are created as pending edits against the driver's current duty status. The driver must approve the edits upon logging into a vehicle.

XML Request

The ClockInOut function takes the following input parameters:

Parameter Type Optional Description
DriverID String No Driver ID
City String No Location: City
State String, length = 2 No Location: State
Action Enumeration No One of: ClockIn; ClockOut
EffectiveTime DateTime No Time to use for recording the action in HOS, GMT
    <ClockInOut xmlns="">  
        <Action>ClockIn or ClockOut</Action>  

XML Response

The ClockInOut function response includes the following parameters:

Parameter Type Description
DriverID String No Driver ID
City String No Location: City
State String, length = 2 No Location: State
ClockinAction Enumeration No One of: ClockIn; ClockOut
EventTime DateTime No Time of event in HOS (GMT)
ResponseCode Enumeration Yes One of Success_ClockIn or Successive_ClockIn or Success_ClockOut or Successive_ClockOut or Success_ClockOut_No_Change_Previous_OffDuty or Success_ClockOut_W_Change_Previous_OffDuty
Value String Yes Additional information related to ResponseCode


  • Failures are reported via soap faults.
  • Each response will have either one that exactly one ResponseCode (if success) or one fault (if failure).

Details about success/failure return codes and associated value returned


ResponseCode Description Value
Success_ClockIn Driver clocked in successfully. His current duty status is now ON duty N/A
Successive_ClokIn Driver clocked in successfully. Driver's last action was also clock in Time of previous clock in
Success_ClockOut Driver clocked out successfully. His current duty status is now OFF duty N/A
Successive_ClockOut Driver clocked out successfully. Driver's last action was also clock out Time of previous clock out
Success_ClockOut_No_change_previous_offduty Driver clocked out successfully (and is Off duty). The time since the last status (log out of mobile) is longer than the maximum allowed to change it to On duty Time of logout
Success_ClockOut_W_Change_Previous_OffDuty Driver clocked out successfully (and is Off duty). The time since the last status (log out of mobile) was change it to On duty Time of logout
  • All times returned are GMT


FaultString Description Value
Failure_Driver_Does_not_exist Driver ID does not exist DriverID
Failure_State_Not_Two_Character_Long 'State' is not 2 characters long N/A
Failure_Future_EffectiveTime EffectiveTime is too far into the future N/A
Failure_EffectiveTime_PriorTo_CurrentStatue Clock request is prior to current duty status N/A
Failure_Driver_On_Mobile Driver is currently logged into a mobile unit Tractor ID
    <ClockInOutResponse xmlns="">  
        <ClockInAction>ClockIn or ClockOut</ClockInAction>  
        <ResponseCode>Success_ClockIn or Successive_ClockIn or Success_ClockOut or Successive_ClockOut or Success_ClockOut_No_Change_Previous_OffDuty or Success_ClockOut_W_Change_Previous_OffDuty</ResponseCode>  
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