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Omnitracs Knowledge Base


AddWithCarrierName (Driver Function) 

This function adds the Driver data provided to the HOS database. In addition to all the parameters accepted by the AddEx function, this takes the extra parameter CarrierName, which is a string and has the name of the carrier to which the driver being added should belong to. The Carrier should already exist in the QHOS database for this call to complete successfully.

AddWithCarrierName (Driver Function, North America) - XML Request

    <AddWithCarrierName xmlns="">  
            <DriverGroup xsi:nil="true" />  
            <InOffDutyDrvPolicy>NotAllowed or Allowed</InOffDutyDrvPolicy>  
            <WaitingInOilWell>None or NotAllowed or Allowed</WaitingInOilWell>  
            <TwentyFourHrReset>None or NotAllowed or Allowed</TwentyFourHrReset>  
            <HazmatLoadHauler>None or NotAllowed or Allowed</HazmatLoadHauler>  
            <EnableCanadianRules>None or NotAllowed or Allowed</EnableCanadianRules>  
            <DefaultRuleSet>USA or CANMain or CANNorth or USACalifornia or USAFlorida or USATexas or USAAlaska</DefaultRuleSet>  
            <USDefaultDutyCycle>None or SevenDay or EightDay</USDefaultDutyCycle>  
            <CANDefaultDutyCycle>None or SevenDay or FourteenDay</CANDefaultDutyCycle>  
            <EnableRestBreakExemption>None or NotAllowed or Allowed</EnableRestBreakExemption>  
			<EnableSixteenHourExemption>None or NotAllowed or Allowed</EnableSixteenHourExemption>              
			<ELDExempt>True or False</ELDExempt>  
            <EnableYardMove>NotAllowed or Allowed</EnableYardMove>  

Feature Enum Table - CDLState

Indiana Kansas Kentucky Louisiana
Massachusetts Maryland Maine Michigan
Minnesota Missouri Mississippi Montana
NorthCarolina NorthDakota Nebraska NewHampshire
NewJersey NewMexico Nevada NewYork
Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania
RhodeIsland SouthCarolina SouthDakota Tennessee
Texas Utah Virginia Vermont
Washington Wisconsin WestVirginia Wyoming
AmericanSamoa Guam NorthernMarianas PuertoRico
VirginIslands Alberta BritishColumbia Manitoba
NewBrunswick Newfoundland NovaScotia NorthwestTerritories
Ontario PrinceEdwardIsland Quebec Saskatchewan
YukonTerritory Aguascalientes BajaCaliforniaNorte BajaCaliforniaSur
Coahuila Chihuahua Colima Campeche
Chiapas DistritoFederal Durango Guerrero
Guanajuato Hidalgo Jalisco Michoacan
Morelos Mexico Nayarit NuevoLeon
Oaxaca Puebla Queretaro QuintanaRoo
Sinaloa SanLuisPotosi Sonora Tamaulipas
Tabasco Tlaxcala Veracruz Yucatan
Zacatecas Other    



AddWithCarrierName (Driver Function) - XML Response

The return result contains the Boolean parameter <AddResult>, which indicates whether the addition was successful (true) or not (false), followed by the same data given as input.

    <AddWithCarrierNameResponse xmlns="">  
      <AddWithCarrierNameResult />  
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