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Omnitracs Knowledge Base


Add (Driver Function)

This function adds one or more driver records.

XML Request

For multiple driver records, each driver must have its own <DriverData> tag. The Add function takes the following input parameters:

Parameter Type Description
DriverID String The driver ID for the new driver. Must be at least 4 characters.
UpdateDriverId String If updating an existing driver ID, the new driver ID
Password String The driver's password
LastName String The driver's last name. Must be at least 2 characters.
FirstName String The driver's first name. Must be at least 2 characters.
DepotId Short The ID of the depot to which the driver belongs
DefaultRuleSet Enum The default driving rule set for this driver; possible values are USA, CANMain (Canada south of the 60th parallel), CANNorth (Canada north of the 60th parallel), USACalifornia, USAFlorida, USATexas, USAAlaska
DriverGroup String The group driver belongs to. If more than one, provide each string on a new line within the <DriverGroup> tag
USDefaultDutyCycle Enum The driver's default duty cycle for a U.S. rule set; possible values are None (if a Canadian rule set is used), SevenDay, EightDay
CANDefaultDutyCycle Enum The driver's default duty cycle for a Canadian rule set; possible values are None (if a U.S. rule set is used), SevenDay, FourteenDay
    <Add xmlns="">  
                    <DriverGroup xsi:nil="true" />  
                    <DefaultRuleSet>USA or CANMain or CANNorth or USACalifornia or USAFlorida or USATexas or USAAlaska</DefaultRuleSet>  
                    <USDefaultDutyCycle>None or SevenDay or EightDay</USDefaultDutyCycle>  
                    <CANDefaultDutyCycle>None or SevenDay or FourteenDay</CANDefaultDutyCycle>  
                    <DriverGroup xsi:nil="true" />  
                    <DefaultRuleSet>USA or CANMain or CANNorth or USACalifornia or USAFlorida or USATexas or USAAlaska</DefaultRuleSet>  
                    <USDefaultDutyCycle>None or SevenDay or EightDay</USDefaultDutyCycle>  
                    <CANDefaultDutyCycle>None or SevenDay or FourteenDay</CANDefaultDutyCycle>  
                . . .  
                . . .  
                . . .  

XML Response

The return result contains the Boolean parameter <AddResult>, which indicates whether the addition was successful (true) or not (false), followed by the same data given as input.

    <AddResponse xmlns="">  
        <AddResult />  
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