Get (Depot Function)
This function returns a Depot object that contains the properties for the depot corresponding to the specified depot ID.
XML Request
This web service method takes the following input parameters:
Parameter | Type | Optional | Description |
DepotID | Short | No | The depot ID whose data should be returned |
XML Structure
<soap:Body> <Get xmlns=""> <DepotRequest> <DepotID>short</DepotID> </DepotRequest> </Get> </soap:Body>
XML Response
The web service method provides the following information in the response document.
Parameter | Type | Optional | Description |
DepotID | Short | No | The Depot ID |
DepotName | String | No | The name of the depot |
TimeZone | Enum | No | The time zone of the depot. Possible values are Hawaiian, Alaskan, Pacific, Mountain, Arizona Central, Eastern, Indiana, Atlantic, Newfoundland or Saskatchewan |
StartOfDay | Integer | No | Start of day for the depot |
StreetAddress | String | Yes | The street address |
StreetAddress2 | String | Yes | The second line of the street address |
City | String | Yes | The city |
Region | String | Yes | The region/state |
Postal | String | Yes | The postal code |
FullName | String | Yes | The full name from the address record as stored in the database |
MiscInfo | String | Yes | The MiscInfo from the address record as stored in the database |
XML Structure
<soap:Body> <GetResponse xmlns=""> <GetResult> <Depot> <DepotID>short</DepotID> <DepotName>string</DepotName> <TimeZone>Hawaiian or Alaskan or Pacific or Mountain or Arizona or Central or Eastern or Indiana or Atlantic or Newfoundland or Saskatchewan</TimeZone> <StartOfDay>int</StartOfDay> <StreetAddress>string</StreetAddress> <StreetAddress2>string</StreetAddress2> <City>string</City> <Region>string</Region> <Postal>string</Postal> <FullName>string</FullName> <MiscInfo>string</MiscInfo> </Depot> </GetResult> </GetResponse> </soap:Body>