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Omnitracs Knowledge Base


Get (Depot Function)

This function returns a Depot object that contains the properties for the depot corresponding to the specified depot ID.

XML Request


This web service method takes the following input parameters:

Parameter Type Optional Description
DepotID Short No The depot ID whose data should be returned

XML Structure

<Get xmlns="">  

XML Response


The web service method provides the following information in the response document.

Parameter Type Optional Description
DepotID Short No The Depot ID
DepotName String No The name of the depot
TimeZone Enum No The time zone of the depot. Possible values are Hawaiian, Alaskan, Pacific, Mountain, Arizona Central, Eastern, Indiana, Atlantic, Newfoundland or Saskatchewan
StartOfDay Integer No Start of day for the depot
StreetAddress String Yes The street address
StreetAddress2 String Yes The second line of the street address
City String Yes The city
Region String Yes The region/state
Postal String Yes The postal code
FullName String Yes The full name from the address record as stored in the database
MiscInfo String Yes The MiscInfo from the address record as stored in the database

XML Structure

<GetResponse xmlns="">  
          <TimeZone>Hawaiian or Alaskan or Pacific or Mountain or Arizona or Central or Eastern or Indiana or Atlantic or Newfoundland or Saskatchewan</TimeZone>  
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