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Omnitracs Knowledge Base

Videos Tab

You must license the Critical Event Video application to record video and associate it with Critical Event Reporting incidents. Users must have the appropriate roles enabled to request prequels, sequels, videos, or to download video or they do not see the corresponding buttons.

When available, you may view videos recorded prior to, during, and immediately following an incident. Video is recorded in 30 second clips that are spliced together to create a seamless video covering the time of the incident. You can configure how much is video recorded by the Critical Event Video application through the Customer Portal. You can request video segments for events that do not contain video by default (overspeed and excessive overspeed).

Be aware that, after you request video, the request button is gray while the request is processed. Because the request is sent to the in-cab unit, the video is downloaded from the camera; then sent back to the host, the time it takes to fulfill the request varies depending on the in-cab unit's coverage and your company's settings for how and when to send video data. After the video is retrieved, the requestor receives an email and other users according to your notification settings in Critical Event Reporting.

There may be a short delay before you can view a video that is being processed. If a segment displays in yellow, it should be available within 30 seconds.

Click the orange bar under Front to view video taken by the forward facing camera. If there are multiple clips spliced together, the orange bar is split into sections for each clip. If you request prequel or sequel video a segment, the orange bar is gray while the request is processed.
Click the orange bar under Rear to view video taken by the driver facing camera. If there are multiple clips spliced together, the orange bar is split into sections for each clip. If you request prequel or sequel video a segment, the orange bar is gray while the request is processed.

The driver facing rear camera must be installed to use this feature. If the driver facing camera is not installed or is turn off, the bar is gray instead of orange.

Request Prequel
Click to request the next 30 second clip in the sequence for the time immediately preceding the current video.
Request Sequel
Click to request th next 30 second clip in the sequence for the time immediately following the current video.
Request Video
Click to request video for the selected incident.
Click to download a copy of the video. Choose a name and save location for the file; then click Save. Videos are saved in the MP4 format.
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