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Omnitracs Knowledge Base

Working with the Circle of Service

Note: Depending on settings, some information and features may not be available.

The Circle of Service guides you through your day. There are a few types of service, starting your tripservicing stops, and completing your trip. Depending on the type of service you are performing, you will have different tasks available in your Circle of Service. Along with your trip tasks, you can also see information about the stop you are working with and you can add additional tasks in your Circle of Service. The information here covers a typical Circle of Service.

Notes: Tasks may be named differently, depending on how your organization has them set up.
If you use navigation, each time you depart a stop your navigation application opens and provides directions. To return to Omnitracs Drive, use your mobile device's Back icon. You will only auto navigate if you are using ALK Copilot, Omnitracs Navigation, Google Maps, or Waze.

Finding Stop Information

To see information about the stop, press a stop on the map and then press Info. The stop's service window, address, contact info, and any notes or information is displayed. To display the stop on a satellite map, press Satellite View. The stop is indicated by a marker in the center of the map. Pinch in or out to see more or less detail. Press and drag to pan the map up, down, left, or right.

Adding Tasks Manually

To add a task manually from the Circle of Service, such as an unplanned stop to fuel up, press Add Task. Tasks that you can add manually can vary, depending on how your organization sets them up. Some examples of manually added tasks include Fuel, Photos, and Scale. Press the + icon beside the task you want to add. You can see tasks that are in progress or completed at the top of the screen. When you add a task, a number badge displays in the Add Task area of the Circle of Service. The color of the badge indicates if the task is in progress or completed.

Optional Tasks in Your Circle

When your trip is being planned, the dispatcher may add optional tasks to your Circle of Service, such as a fuel stop or a rest break. Optional tasks display as a gray section in your Circle of Service. If you prefer not to perform the task, it can be skipped.

Phases of Your Circle of Service

For information on what you see in the Circle of Service when you begin a trip, see Starting Your Trip.

For information on what you see in the Circle of Service while you are servicing the stops on your trip, see Servicing Stops on Your Trip.

For information on what you see in the Circle of Service when you are completing a trip, see Ending Your Trip.

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