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Omnitracs Knowledge Base

View the Performance Record Speed/RPM Matrix

View the Performance Record Speed/RPM Matrix

The Performance Record Details - Speed / RPM Matrix panel displays the length of time that the selected, authorized vehicle or driver spent driving at a certain speed and RPM.

RPM is listed along the left (rows) and speed "buckets" (for example, 15-25 miles/kilometers per hour) are listed along the top (columns). The length of time spent at that RPM and speed is represented by a dot in the intersecting cell.

A small black dot represents a short length of time; totals are listed along the bottom row. Larger circles in a cell indicate a larger amount of time spent at that speed and RPM.

Some speed/RPM durations represent normal performance. When you open the matrix, look first at the larger circles to identify where the speed/RPM duration indicates poor performance. Click a dot or circle to see the numeric value in the cell.

To change all of the dots and circles to numeric values, click show numeric values in the upper right. To change it back, click show graphical values.

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