Check Extraction Status
Check Extraction Status
The fastest way to check the extraction status is to click the Vehicles tab. The extract status panels at the top, left show you, at a glance:
- Scheduled Extract Cycles
- Shows the date and time the most recent extract cycle started and its status:
- In progress: the extract request was sent and 24 hours have not yet passed
- Complete: 24 hours have passed since the extract request was sent
The next extract date and time also displays. Click the date/time to change the schedule.
- Vehicle Extract Status
How many extract requests are pending (if the status is in progress), and how many failed extraction. To see the list of vehicles in any status, click the number. The list refreshes with the corresponding vehicles. The counts include only your selected, authorized vehicles. The information below your name on the right tells you which assets you are working with based on global group membership.
To check the extract status by vehicle type, click More options. In the search criteria window, select the vehicle type ID in the Type drop-down list and click Search.
You can select any combination of vehicle type and extract status to see other information. You can also search for and view information about the status of parameter resets. To request a new extract for all vehicles in the list of failed extracts, click
at the top of the list.
- Missing extracts
A vehicle extract is missing if the extract occurs when the vehicle is out of coverage during the scheduled report cycle. Retry the failed units two to six hours before the report cycle goes to COMPLETE status.
Vehicles assigned to the RSV parameter type are not sent an extraction request from the scheduled report cycle. Move the vehicle to a different parameter type.