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Omnitracs Knowledge Base

Driver Log Export


The Driver Log Export report lets you view, export, and/or print a simple table of the driver's duty status change history. There is no grouping or summary as in the Driver Log report.

Note: This report will display only those drivers that the report generator can view as defined under the User Depot Access permissions.

Export raw driver data for a specified date range.

Generating the Report

  1. Select the Reports tab to open the Reports window.
  2. Select Driver Log Export. The report parameters window opens.
  3. Choose Select By Driver ID to generate a report for a specific driver, or choose Select by Driver Group to generate a report for a group of drivers.
  4. If you chose Select by Driver ID, enter the driver ID in the field. If you chose Select by Driver Group, select a driver group from the drop-down list.
  5. Click in the Start Date and End Date fields and use the pop-up calendar to select the date range for the report.
  6. Select a report format from the drop-down list.  You can vew, export, and/or print your report in one of the following formats:
    • CSV
    • Excel (spreadsheet)
    • HTML (best for viewing online)
    • PDF (best for printing)
    • XML
  7. Click View Report to run the report.

Sample Report

Sample Driver Log Export Report

When the report is generated, you'll see raw driver log data as well as a Flags field that identifies the status of the driver records. The code in the Flags column indicates: Confirmation, Edit, and Sensor Failure and may display values like YU! or NE. The edit codes are:

  • U - The logs are unedited
  • E - The logs are edited
  • C - These are the corrected original logs

The above edit codes may be paired with one or more of the following:

  • N - No, the driver has not confirmed the logs.
  • Y - Yes, the driver has confirmed the logs.
  • ! - A sensor failure occurred when this entry was recorded.
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