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Omnitracs Knowledge Base

Message Passwords

Appendix G - Message Passwords

QTRACS/400 supports protected passwords in forward messages. Both freeform and macro messages allow a single password in a message. The password is alphanumeric and the valid length is between 1 and 15.

Password Definition Rules

  • Storable form of a password field in a macro template definition is "_905LL" where LL is the length of the password. Note that LL >=1 and LL <= 15.
  • Transmittable form of a password field in a macro template definition is "D_005LLD" where D is X'5F' (the password delimiter).
  • Transmittable form of a password in a macro message is "D_pppppppD" where D must be hex 5F and "ppppppp" is the alphanumeric password. The length of "ppppppp" must match the length in the macro template definition.
  • Displayable form of a password in a macro message is "[****]". The character '**[' ( hex BA)and ']*\' (hex BB) will not be allowed in any other part of the message, it is valid only when surrounding the password. The "*****" represents the password field, this must be the same length as defined in the macro template.
  • Transmittable form of a password in a freeform message is "DpppppppD" where D must be hex 5F and "ppppppp" is the alphanumeric password.
  • Displayable form of a password in a freeform message is "[*******]". Note that '[' and ']' must not be allowed in the body of a freeform message other than when it surrounds a password.
  • The Create Message API OMCRTMSG expects the message body to be in external format. For freeform messages which contain a password the hex 5F character must surround the password field. For a macro messages containing a password field, just the password is sent. It must be the length of the password field in the macro definition, it should not be surrounded by hex 5F.
  • The EBCDIC 'not' character (hex 5F) and the characters '[' (hex BA) and ']' (hex BB) must not be used in a message body other than as stated above.

Creating a Password In a Forward Macro Template

In the Create/Modify Forward Macro Template display, the "Password Field" is available on the pop-up window for inserting a field. The minimum field length for a password is one, the maximum length is 15.

Sending a Message Containing a Password

Creating a Freeform Message
On the Create Message Display, a function key F15 (Insert Password Field) allows the user to enter one and only one password field in a freeform message. The password will be inserted at the cursor position. A pop-up window will be displayed which will accept the password. The input password field will accept only alphanumeric characters with a maximum length of 15. This password field will then be displayed as a protected field. The F15 function key will then be replaced by F16 (Delete Password Field ). This function key will not be cursor sensitive, if selected it will simply delete the password field from within the message body. These function keys are only available for freeform messages.

Creating a Macro Message
On the Create Message Display, if the user is creating a message using a macro definition which contains a password field the password field will appear as any other alphanumeric field does, it will be input- capable. Prior to sending, the password field must have a value in it. A blank password field is not acceptable.

If the user is creating a freeform message and he wishes to insert a password he must position the cursor to the point of insertion and use the F15 key.

Sending the Message
Prior to calling OMCRTMSG to send the message, the message creator (OMMSCRT) will perform the following additional logic if the message contains a password field.

  1. The password field must be entered and must only contain alphanumeric characters.
  2. The destination must be to only vehicles. Messages containing a password will not be allowed to be sent to a local entity.

Forwarding and Resending Messages
A message that contains a password will not be allowed to be forwarded. Messages can be forwarded only by the receiver of a message. Since messages containing passwords can only be sent to vehicles forwarding is not allowed.

Resending a message which contains a password is allowed with the same restriction.

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