T.2.02.0 - All Forward Message Dispositions
Here is a SAMPLE XML segment that shows what this transaction will look like:
< tran ID = "34081" >
< T.2.02.0 >
< eventTS >2006-05-15T20:23:21Z</ eventTS >
< equipment ID = "0049726984" SCAC = "LABU" equipType = "tractor" />
< position lat = "40.156388889" lon = "-75.826944444" posTS = "2006-05-15T20:23:29Z" />
< proximity city = "Reading" postal = "19601" country = "US" distance = "13.76" direction = "SSE" placeType = "CITY" stateProv = "PA" />
< proximity city = "Elverson" postal = "19520" country = "US" distance = ".32" direction = "@" placeType = "TOWN" stateProv = "PA" />
< posType >3</ posType >
< ignitionStatus >1</ ignitionStatus >
< tripStatus >O</ tripStatus >
< GMH >35353</ GMH >
< completionCode >0000</ completionCode >
</ T.2.02.0 >
</ tran >
The following diagram illustrates the XML schema for the Forward Message Dispositions transaction.
There are several Shared Complex Types which are re-used within most of the Services Portal (SP) transactions.
This completionCode element of this transaction will contain one of the following forward message completion codes.