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Omnitracs Knowledge Base

common information


All of the transactions that ultimately originate from a mobile device will include a group of "common elements".  There are a few host-originated transactions (e.g. Entity Definition Synchronization) that will not include the common elements since that data is not relevant.

The purpose of the common elements is to convey the fundamental mobile-related information about each event in a uniform way.  Namely, the common elements provide answers to the following questions:

  • When did the mobile event occur?
  • What entities are relevant to the event? (Vehicle, Trailer(s), Driver)
  • Where did the event occur?

It is important to understand these concepts about the common elements:

  • Some elements may be omitted on a particular transaction because they are not relevant or otherwise unknown.  For instance a Trailer Position Report may or may not include a Vehicle ID element depending on whether the trailer is connected or not.  A Return Text Message may or may not include a Driver element based on whether a Driver is logged in.
  • Some elements may be duplicated on a particular transaction because more than one of them is relevant.  For example, multiple Trailer IDs may be included if a Vehicle is connected to a double.  Two proximity references will be furnished; one for nearest city, and another for nearest small town.

Elements common to most transactions include:





Additional Information


Event Time

Expressed in the following format in GMT timezone: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ

Vehicle SCAC

Not supported at this time

Driver ID

The driver that was logged in when the event occurred (if any). In the case of multiple drivers logged in, this is the most recently logged in driver prior to the event time.

Driver ID 2

A second driver that was logged in when the event occurred (if any). In the case of multiple drivers logged in, this is the second most recently logged in driver prior to the event time.

Position Time

Expressed in the following format in GMT timezone: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ

Position Latitude

Expressed in signed degrees with floating-point decimal precision

Position Longitude

Expressed in signed degrees with floating-point decimal precision

Position Hardware Source

Identifies the hardware that was used to determine the position information contained in the transaction, where 0=unknown, 1=LORAN, 2=QASPR, 3=GPS.

Vehicle Trip Status

The trip status of the tractor, where I=In Trip, O=Out of Trip, Blank=unknown.
The trip status feature requires the SensorTRACS service to be enabled and configured.

Vehicle Ignition Status

The ignition status of the tractor, where 1=On, 2=Off, Blank=unknown.

Distance to Place

Expressed in units of kilometers or miles based on the company's preference. Format is nnnn.nn.

Direction to Place

Expressed using a compass notation containing a maximum of 3 characters (e.g. N, SE, NNW).

Place Name

The unique customer-defined name of the place if the place type is not CITY or TOWN.

Place State

State code or province code

Place Country

Country code (e.g. US, CA, MX)

Place Postal Code

Postal code with 12 character maximum

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