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Omnitracs Knowledge Base

Edit User


This web service allows for updating a User on the portal.

void editUser(User user, string password) throws WSException

  • user: A User object with the details for editing the user.

    Required elements:
        - firstName
        - forcePwdReset - a user cannot set this value to 'true' for himself.
        - id
        - lastName
        - lockedOut- a user can be locked or unlocked by an admin user. To ensure that a user remains unlocked, pass 'false' for all conditions except for the case of locking a user.
        - obeyDst
        - role - name

    Optional elements:
        - companyId - Will default to the authorized user's company if not specified.
        - email - If not specified, the user will be prompted to enter a valid email address the next time he logs on to the Portal.
        - pagerEmail - If not specified, any value previously saved will be deleted.
        - timeZone - name - If not specified, the default timezone setting for the user's company will be used.

    Ignored elements: (auto-filled when updating corresponding elements)
        - qspInstance
        - role - description
        - timeZone - dstLongName
        - timeZone - dstShortName
        - timeZone - gmtOffset
        - timeZone - stdLongName
        - timeZone - stdShortName
  • password: (optional) A string that sets the user's password.
    If no value is passed the password will not be changed.
    The password must adhere to the following guidelines:
        - Must be 8 to 35 characters in length.
        - Must contain at least one alpha and one numeric character.


Authorization Requirements


The credentials supplied with this method call (as specified in the accompanying WS-Security header) must be authorized to the following application(s) and their associated role-based permissions. 

Required Application Licenses
- Remote Integration

Required User Permissions
- Admin role (If editing a user other than themselves.)

Customer integrators are authorized to their own company's data only. 


Sample XML Request


Only the SOAP body is shown. To see a sample SOAP Envelope and Header, click here.






















            <name>Eastern Time</name>









Sample XML Response



   <p431:editUserResponse xmlns:p431="http://websvcs.omaswebws"/>





001 Unknown Error.
003 Company not authorized for integration.
004 User not authorized.
005 Invalid company id.
006 Invalid user id.
007 Invalid first name.
008 Invalid last name.
009 Invalid email.
010 Invalid pagerEmail.
011 Invalid role name.
012 Invalid timeZone name.
013 Invalid password.
014 Invalid force password reset.

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