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Omnitracs Knowledge Base

Get Monitoring Plan List


This webservice is considered deprecated as of March 2016 in favor of the new Get Monitoring Plan List 2, which utilizes the new Monitoring Plan 2 object.
Please make plans to adopt the new webservice in your integration code.




This web service returns a list of monitoring plans that are compatible with the specified trailer.  One use of this web service may be to determine which monitoring plans are suitable for a particular trailer.  If no trailer is specified on the call, all monitoring plans are returned.

MonitoringPlan getMonitoringPlanList(AssetIdentifier trailer) throws WSException

  • trailer: An AssetIdentifier that uniquely identifies a trailer.  When a valid trailer is specified, the list will contain all monitoring plans that are compatible with that trailer.  If blank, all monitoring plans are returned.


Authorization Requirements


The credentials supplied with this method call (as specified in the accompanying WS-Security header) must be authorized to the following application(s) and their associated role-based permissions.

Required Application Licenses
- Remote Integration

Required User Permissions
- Can use Trailer Tracks

Customer integrators are authorized to their own company's data only.




001 Unknown error.
003 Company not authorized for integration.
004 User not authorized.
005 Trailer SCAC/ID invalid.


Sample getMonitoringPlanList Request


Only the SOAP body is shown. To see a sample SOAP Envelope and Header, see the Web Service Security page.










Sample getMonitoringPlanList Response








         <description>Monitoring Plan 1</description>






         <parmList xsi:nil="true"/>





         <alertMap xsi:nil="true"/>



         <description>Monitoring Plan 2</description>






         <parmList xsi:nil="true"/>





         <alertMap xsi:nil="true"/>



         <description>Monitoring Plan 3</description>






         <parmList xsi:nil="true"/>






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