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Omnitracs Knowledge Base

Update Load


Given a Load object, this web service stores a header for a new load or updates a header for an existing load on the Services Portal.

void updateLoad(string companyId, Load loadInfo) throws WSException

  • companyId: (optional) A string of maximum length 10 that specifies the unique company identifier. If no company is specified, the company of the authorized user will be used.
  • loadInfo: A Load object with the details for creating or updating the load.

    Required elements:
        - load - loadId - If the loadId already exists, the load will be updated; otherwise, the load will be created.
        - load - vehicle

    Optional elements:
        - load - driver1Id
        - load - driver2Id
        - load - trailer1
        - load - trailer2
        - load - trailer3
        - load - hazmatCodes
        - load - comments
        - load - generalUse1
        - load - generalUse2
        - load - generalUse3

    For all elements except loadId:
        - To change, set to new value.
        - To remove the existing value, set to blank.
        - If no change is desired, set to null.

Authorization Requirements

The credentials supplied with this method call (as specified in the accompanying WS-Security header) must be authorized to the following application(s) and their associated role-based permissions.

Required Application Licenses
- Remote Integration

Required User Permissions
- None

Sample XML Request

Only the SOAP body is shown. To see a sample SOAP Envelope and Header, click here.



















         <comments>Load needs to be delivered by 10:00</comments>







Sample XML Response


   <p431:updateLoadResponse xmlns:p431="websvcs.qtwebws"/>



001 Unknown Error.
003 Company not authorized for integration.
004 User not authorized.
005 Invalid company id.
006 Invalid load id.
007 Invalid driver1 id.
008 Invalid driver2 id.
009 Invalid vehicle SCAC.
010 Invalid vehicle id.
011 Invalid trailer1 SCAC.
012 Invalid trailer1 id.
013 Invalid trailer2 SCAC.
014 Invalid trailer2 id.
015 Invalid trailer3 SCAC.
016 Invalid trailer3 id.
017 Invalid hazmat codes.
018 Invalid comments.
019 Invalid generalUse1.
020 Invalid generalUse2.
021 Invalid generalUse3.

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