Vehicle Information attributes
The Vehicle Information object is implemented as the VehicleInfo class. The attributes of a VehicleInfo object are:
vehicle |
A QTWebServices AssetIdentifier containing the Standard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC) and identifier for this vehicle. |
auxVehicle |
A boolean which, when set true, indicates that this is an auxiliary vehicle. Auxiliary vehicles are vehicles that are not owned by this company. They are not members of this company's Omni account. Traffic from auxiliary vehicles is being routed to the account of this company because of a QMASS or BluMass relationship that has been set up at the Qualcomm hub. |
newVehicle |
A boolean which, when set to true, indicates that this vehicle has be auto-created by the iWeb system because of the receipt of traffic from a previously unidentified mobile. The Id of auto-created vehicles is set to the unit address of the mobile terminal until changed by an iWeb user. |
name |
A string containing descriptive information about the vehicle. |
coverage |
A string containing the identifier of the user or group of users who are responsible for monitoring message traffic from this vehicle. This person or group of people is referred to as the vehicle's coverage. A group of users is referred to as an address list. |
NMessageGroups |
An integer value indicating the number of broadcast message groups to which this vehicle belongs. |
messageGroup1 |
Strings containing the identifiers of the broadcast message groups to which this vehicle is assigned. A broadcast message group is a group of vehicles to which messages may be addressed in broadcast mode. The single transmission of a message addressed to a broadcast message group causes the message to be received by all vehicles that are currently members of the group. |
NTrailers |
An integer value indicating the number of trailers that are currently connected to this vehicle. |
trailer1 |
Trailers that are currently connected to this vehicle. Each trailer is represented by an AssetIdentifier. Empty values are returned to indicate no trailer. |
NDrivers |
An integer value representing the number of drivers that are logged into this vehicle. |
driver1 |
Strings containing the identifiers of the drivers who are logged into this vehicle. Driver1 always contains the most recent driver to log in. Driver identifiers are a maximum of 10 characters in length. An empty string is returned to indicate no driver. |
customerAccount |
A string containing your Qualcomm account number if you own this vehicle. This field is only populated for "owned" vehicles. It is blank for auxiliary vehicles. |
firmwareVersion |
A double value indicating the version of the firmware in the mobile terminal or mobile computing platform that is currently assigned to this vehicle. |
auxiliaryAccount |
A string containing the identifier of the auxiliary account conatined in the customerReference field. This field is only populated if the vehicle is an auxiliary vehicle. This field is currently equal to the customerReference field. |
customerReference |
A string containing the Qualcomm auxiliary account number of the customer that owns this vehicle. This field is only populated if the vehicle is an auxiliary vehicle. |
timeLastModified |
A string containing a timestamp in the form YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ indicating the time in GMT that data for this vehicle was modified by a user. |
userLastModified |
A string containing the user identifier of the user who last modified data for this vehicle. |
JTRACSEnabled |
A boolean value indicating whether this vehicle is enabled for JTRACS tracking. |
STRACSEnabled |
A boolean value indicating whether this vehicle is enabled for SensorTRACS tracking. |
TTRACSEnabled |
A boolean value indicating whether this vehicle is enabled for TrailerTRACS tracking. |
timePositionReport |
A string containing a timestamp in the form YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ indicating the time in GMT of the last position report from this vehicle. |
latitude |
A floating point (double) value containing the last reported latitude of the vehicle in decimal degrees. A positive value indicates the northern hemisphere. A negative value indicates the southern hemisphere. |
longitude |
A floating point (double) value containing the last reported longitude of the vehicle in decimal degrees. A positive value indicates the eastern hemisphere. A negative value indicates the western hemisphere. |
proximityTown |
A ProximityReference object containing information about the small town that is nearest to the last reported position of this vehicle. |
proximityCity |
A ProximityReference object containing information about the large city that is nearest to the last reported position of this vehicle. |
ignitionStatus |
An integer value indicating the status of the ignition of this vehicle at the time of the last position report. Possible values are: |
tripStatus |
An integer value indicating the trip status of the vehicle. Possible values are: |
positionHardware |
A string indicating the type of location detecting hardware that is installed on the vehicle. |
timeStatisticsReset |
A string containing a timestamp in the form YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ indicating the time in GMT that the message statistics for this vehicle were reset. |
NMessages |
An integer indicating the number of messages transmitted by this vehicle since timeStatisticsReset. |
NCharacters |
An integer indicating the number of characters transmitted by this vehicle since timeStatisticsReset. |
unitAddress |
The unit address of the mobile device that is installed in this vehicle. |