T.3.10.0 - Trailer Tire Inflation Alert (TTIA) Notification
This transaction type is published via the Services Portal whenever a TTIA-configured MCP has determined that a trailer tire airing alert should be generated and returned to the host. In order for this the alert to be generated, all of the appropriate conditions must be met.
The following diagram illustrates the transaction type's XML schema. Some of the Shared Complex Types are referenced within the transaction type.

Sample XML Transaction
< T.3.10.0 >
< eventTS >2012-10-06T14:31:52Z</ eventTS >
< equipment mobileType = "5" ID = "TRUCK34" unitAddress = "0105082431" equipType = "tractor" />
< equipment mobileType = "10" ID = "TRLR100" unitAddress = "0120001077" equipType = "trailer" />
< position lat = "40.155833333" lon = "-75.827777778" posTS = "2006-09-11T18:22:38Z" />
< streetAddress street = "342 E Main Street" city = "Reading" stateProv = "PA" postal = "19601" country = "US" />
< speed >55</ speed >
< odometer >120579.5</ odometer >
< driverID >RON</ driverID >
< alertSuppressed >0</ alertSuppressed >
< alertDetails alertLabel = "Flat Tire" alertType = "Critical" eventCount = "2" eventDurationThreshold = "45" alertDurationThreshold = "3600" acutalAlertDuration = "1230" />
</ T.3.10.0 >