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Omnitracs Knowledge Base


T.2.06.0 - Vehicle Position Report

Here is a SAMPLE XML segment showing what this transaction will look like:

<tran ID="39408">



      <equipment ID="15333" equipType="tractor" unitAddress="0106049822" mobileType="6"/>

      <equipment ID="2204" SCAC="LABU" equipType="trailer" unitAddress="0032017318" mobileType="0"/>


      <position lat="40.155833333" lon="-75.827777778" posTS="2006-09-11T18:22:38Z"/>

      <proximity city="Reading" postal="19601" country="US" distance="13.78" direction="SSE" placeType="CITY" stateProv="PA"/>

      <proximity city="Elverson" postal="19520" country="US" distance=".28" direction="@" placeType="TOWN" stateProv="PA"/>

      <proximity city="Pittsville" postal="14618" country="US" placeName="PV Company Yard" distance=".00" direction="@" placeType="customer" stateProv="PA"/>











 Note:  <odometer> will only be present if the vehicle is in an Operational Profile that includes the "Odometer Positions" option. 
The following diagram illustrates the XML schema for the Vehicle Position Report transaction.  There are several Shared Complex Types which are re-used within most of the Services Portal (SP) transactions.


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