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T.1.10.0 - Mobile Health Status Notification Transaction


This transaction is published when any of the following health conditions are initially detected (or subsequently cleared). The transaction will always include any/all health conditions that may exist when the transaction is published for any reason (i.e. it's the latest/greatest snapshot of the health conditions).

1) GPS Antenna
This warning indicates that the GPS antenna is not functioning properly. The host publishes this warning when the T2 indicates (via parameter 1084 GPS Antenna Status) that there is a problem. This warning is subsequently cleared when the T2 indicates that the GPS antenna is again functioning normally.

2) Low Battery
This warning indicates that the battery charge level is less than the optimal level. The host publishes this warning when the T2 indicates (via parameter 1166 Auxiliary Battery Voltage) that the battery charge is less than the low-voltage threshold (3.75v). This warning is subsequently cleared when the T2 indicates that the battery charge has returned above the normal-voltage threshold (3.90). The intent of this warning is to provide an early indication that the battery is running low... but before it is actually depleted and causes the terminal to hibernate.

3) Depleted Battery
This warning indicates that the battery has been discharged and the T2 is now hibernating. The host publishes this warning when the T2 indicates (via the receipt of a Battery Needs Charged event) that the battery is discharged. This warning is subsequently cleared the next time a report/event is received from the T2 unit, indicating it is no longer in hibernation.

4) Status Overdue
This warning indicates a possible problem with the mobile hardware. The host publishes this warning based upon a lack of expected messaging activity (e.g. events, status reports, position updates), the duration of which exceeds the Status Overdue threshold specified in the trailer's currently assigned monitoring plan. This warning is subsequently cleared when reporting activity resumes. This health condition is applicable to both tethered and untethered trailers.

5) Stale Position
This warning indicates a possible problem with the mobile's GPS positioning hardware, resulting in stale (old) position being reported. The host publishes this warning based upon the receipt of a GPS position in which the position timestamp is older than the timestamp of the associated message/event by more than the Stale Position threshold (typically 10 minutes, configurable). This warning is subsequently cleared when a GPS position is received; containing a timely position timestamp. This health condition is applicable to both tethered and untethered trailers.

Sample Transaction

Here is a SAMPLE XML segment showing what this transaction will look like:

<tran ID="47922">



      <equipment ID="0120001077" SCAC="LABU" equipType="trailer"/>

      <position lat="40.157222222" lon="-75.881388888" posTS="2007-01-21T20:22:29Z"/>

      <proximity city="Reading" postal="19601" country="US" distance="12.73" direction="SSE" placeType="CITY" stateProv="PA"/>

      <proximity city="Morgantown" postal="19543" country="US" distance=".55" direction="ENE" placeType="TOWN" stateProv="PA"/>

      <healthInfo code="4" status="0" statusTS="2007-01-22T18:51:56Z"/>



The following diagram illustrates the XML schema for the Mobile Health Notification transaction.  There are several Shared Complex Types which are re-used within most of the Services Portal transactions.


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