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Omnitracs Knowledge Base

Reefer Monitoring

Information about Reefer Monitoring is implemented in the ReeferMonitoring object.  The attributes of the ReeferMonitoring object are:








A boolean value indicating if scheduled temperature monitoring is activated (true) or deactivated (false).
If set to false when setting reefer monitoring, all other values will be ingored.
Note: Scheduled monitoring is considered active when it is scheduled to begin in the future, as well as when it is within the scheduled date range.


A string containing a timestamp in the form YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ indicating the starting time in GMT for the scheduled temperature monitoring.
Note: If scheduled monitoring is disabled, this value will be blank.


A string containing a timestamp in the form YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ indicating the ending time in GMT for the scheduled temperature monitoring.
Note: This value is ignored when temperature monitoring is ongoing.
Note: If scheduled monitoring is disabled, this value will contain the timestamp of when monitoring was turned off.


A boolean value indicating if scheduled temperature monitoring is ongoing.
If the ongoing value is set to true, the value in the stopDate field will be ignored.


An integer value indicating the amount of time (in minutes) a temperature is allowed to remain out of range before generating an over/under temperature alert in customer scheduled monitoring.


A single character string indicating the temperature sensor to use for monitoring. Valid values are:
"0" = Return Air
"1" = Supply Air
"2" = Both


A boolean value indicating if the driver setpoint should be used for the target temperature for monitoring.
If the useDriverSetpoint value is set to true, the value in the targetTemp field will be ignored.


A floating point (double) number indicating the target temperature for the sensor.
Note: This value is ignored when using the driver setpoint.


A floating point (double) number indicating the amount of temperature fluxuation allowed for the sensor before being considered "out of range".


An array of Email objects containing the addresses to be notified when a temperature monitoring event occurs.

WSDL Definition

ReeferMonitoring object as defined in the WSDL

<complexType name="ReeferMonitoring">


    <element name="active" type="xsd:boolean" />

    <element name="notification" nillable="true" type="impl:ArrayOf_tns2_nillable_Email" />

    <element name="ongoing" type="xsd:boolean" />

    <element name="startDate" nillable="true" type="xsd:string" />

    <element name="stopDate" nillable="true" type="xsd:string" />

    <element name="targetTemp" type="xsd:double" />

    <element name="tempNotifyTime" type="xsd:int" />

    <element name="tempSensor" nillable="true" type="xsd:string" />

    <element name="tempTolerance" type="xsd:double" />

    <element name="useDriverSetpoint" type="xsd:boolean" />




XML Sample

ReeferMonitoring object in XML.




















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