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Omnitracs Knowledge Base


Information about a landmark's boundary is implemented in the Polygon object.  The attributes of the Polygon object are:








A string of maximum length 2800 containing the coordinates (latitude/longitude) for each of the landmark's boundary vertices.
These coordinates, when connected in the delivered sequence, form the landmark's polygonal boundary.
Each vertice latitude/longitude coordinate expressed in signed decimal degrees, and separated by a comma.
The latitude and longitude for each individual vertice is also separated by a comma.
For latitudes, positive values indicate northern hemisphere, negative values indicate southern hemisphere.
For longitudes, positive values indicate the eastern hemisphere, negative values indicate the western hemisphere.


A floating point (double) value containing the polygon centroid latitude of the landmark, expressed in signed decimal degrees.
The polygon centroid of the landmark is the calculated center point coordinate of the landmark's polygonal boundary.
A positive value indicates the northern hemisphere. A negative value indicates the southern hemisphere.
(rounded to 6 decimal places)


A floating point (double) value containing the polygon centroid longitude of the landmark, expressed in signed decimal degrees.
The polygon centroid of the landmark is the calculated center point coordinate of the landmark's polygonal boundary.
A positive value indicates the eastern hemisphere. A negative value indicates the western hemisphere.
(rounded to 6 decimal places)

WSDL Definition

Here is how the Polygon object is defined within the WSDL

<complexType name="Polygon">


      <element name="vertices" nillable="true" type="xsd:string" />

      <element name="centroidLat" type="xsd:double" />

      <element name="centroidLong" type="xsd:double" />




Sample XML

Here is a sample showing what the Polygon object would look like in XML






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