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Omnitracs Knowledge Base

Monitoring Plan


This webservice is considered deprecated as of March 2016 in favor of the new Monitoring Plan 2, which includes the Change Time as a time string as well as the Trailer Specs and Mileage Threshold attributes.
Please make plans to adopt the new webservice in your integration code.

Information about a Monitoring Plan is implemented in the MonitoringPlan object.  The attributes of the MonitoringPlan object are:








The Alert Map is a character string that represents configuration for monitoring plan alerts with values 0-3.
"0" = None
"1" = Low
"2" = Medium
"3" = High

Each alert preference contains three different representations and are sequentially stored.
The representations are Management Group, Vehicle Dispatcher and Notification Group.
For example, if the first three characters are "103".  That would mean that the alert levels for the Cargo Loaded alert preference are:
Management Group - Low
Vehicle Dispatcher - None
Notification Group - High

The following alert values are returned in fixed order for Untethered Trailers:

Cargo Loaded
Cargo Unloaded
Sensor 3 Open
Sensor 3 Closed
Sensor 3 at Unknown Drop Point
Sensor 4 Open
Sensor 4 Closed
Beginning of Trip
End of Trip
Extended End of Trip
Power On
Power Off
Connect to Omni Equipment
Disconnect from Omni Equipment
Disconnect from Omni Equipment at Unknown Drop Point
Battery Needs Charge
Battery Needs Replacement
Reefer Check Alarm
Reefer Cautionary Alarm
Reefer Critical Alarm
Reefer Shutdown Alarm
Reefer Temperature
Reefer Fuel Low
Reefer Set Point


"0" = The trailer does not require an aux sensor in order to assign this plan.
"1" = The trailer must be aux-sensor equipped in order to assign this plan.


"0" = The trailer does not require a cargo sensor in order to assign this plan.
"1" = The trailer must be cargo-sensor equipped in order to assign this plan. 


The monitoring plan's description.


"0" = The trailer does not require a door sensor in order to assign this plan.
"1" = The trailer must be door-sensor equipped in order to assign this plan.


The monitoring plan's unique ID.


The last time the plan was changed.


Indicates if the plan has been marked for deletion (and is therefore no longer able to be assigned).


The number of trailers presently assigned to the plan.


An array of MonPlanParm objects containing information about the parameters of the monitoring plan.


"0" = The trailer does not require a reefer in order to assign this plan.
"1" = The trailer must be reefer equipped in order to assign this plan.


An value (in days) after which a status report is considered overdue.

WSDL Definition

MonitoringPlan object as defined in the WSDL

<complexType name="MonitoringPlan">


      <element name="alertMap" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>

      <element name="auxSensorReq" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>

      <element name="cargoSensorReq" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>

      <element name="description" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>

      <element name="doorSensorReq" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>

      <element name="id" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>

      <element name="lastChangeTime" type="xsd:long"/>

      <element name="markedDeletion" type="xsd:boolean"/>

      <element name="numOfTrailers" type="xsd:int"/>

      <element name="parmList" nillable="true" type="impl:ArrayOf_tns2_nillable_MonPlanParm"/>

      <element name="reeferReq" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>

      <element name="statusOverdue" type="xsd:int"/>




XML Sample

MonitoringPlan object in XML.





   <description>Sensitive Cargo</description>



















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