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Omnitracs Knowledge Base

Macro Field Types

This the list of supported macro field types:











Free Form

A string containing valid transmittable characters with trailing blanks trimmed. Variable lengths are supported. Valid characters are: A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; = ? @<>  



A string containing alphabetic characters exclusively. Embedded blanks are permitted. Trailing blanks should be trimmed. Variable lengths are supported.



A string representing a valid positive integer value with leading zeros and blanks suppressed. Embedded blanks are prohibited. Trailing blanks should be trimmed.


Full Field Integer

A string representing a valid integer value containing digits with no leading, trailing, or embedded blanks, the total number of digits being equal to the full length of the field as defined by its usage in the macro template.


Signed Integer

A string representing a valid, signed integer value consisting of the decimal digits 0 through 9 with an optional "+" or "-" leading character indicating the sign of the number.  Leading zeros or blanks should be removed.  Trailing blanks should be trimmed.



A string consisting of alphanumeric characters only. Leading and embedded blanks are permitted. Trailing blanks should be trimmed. Variable lengths are supported.


Real Number

A string representing a valid signed real number consisting of an optional sign character ("+" or "-") followed by a run of digits 0 through 9. A single, optional decimal point "." may appear before the run of digits, after the run of digits or within the run of digits.



A string representing a monetary value in dollars and cents in the form of a real number with two decimal places.  The string must consist of decimal digits and a single fixed decimal point followed by two digits.  A dollar sign should not be included.


Standard Date

A 6 character string in the form MMDDYY where MM indicates the month (a number from 01 through 12), DD indicates the day of the month and YY indicates the year.  The century is not included nor is it implied.


Brief Date

A 4-character string in the form MMDD where MM indicates the month (a number from 01 through 12) and DD indicates the day of the month. Year is not included nor is it implied.


12-Hour Time

A string containing 5 characters in in the form HHMMX representing time in 12 hour format.  Example: '"0245P" to represent 2:45 PM.


24-Hour Time

A string containing 4 characters representing a time in the form HHMM.  Example "1445" to represent 2:45 PM.


7-Digit Phone Number

A string containing exactly 7 decimal digits which represent a phone number. The first 3 digits represent the exchange. Example: "4321111"


10-Digit Phone Number

A string containing exactly 10 decimal digits which represent an area code and phone number. The first 3 digits represent the area code, the second 3 digits represent the exchange (prefix). Example: "6195551111"


Zip Code

A string containing exactly 5 decimal digits representing a US postal code.


Extended Zip Code

A string containing exactly 9 decimal digits representing the US Zip+4 postal code.



A string containing a single character equal to "Y" or "N".



A string containing exactly 3 characters representing the English abbreviation for the day of the week. Valid values are: SUN, MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT.



A string containing exactly 3 characters representing the English abbreviation of the month. Valid values are: JAN, FEB, MAR, APR, MAY, JUN, JUL, AUG, SEP, OCT, NOV, DEC.



A string containing the two-character abbreviation of a US state.



A string of length one containing the one-character code.


Item List

A string containing a valid value for an item in the item list as defined in the macro template. When calling the createDictionaryEntry() web service, enumerations in the form "item 1,item 2,item 3,...,item n" must be specified. Ex: <enumerations>van,flatbed,dropdeck,stepdeck</enumerations>


Integer Range

A string representing a valid positive integer value that falls within the range as defined in the macro template. When calling the createDictionaryEntry() web service, enumerations in the form "minimum,maximum" must be specified. Ex: <enumerations>1,10</enumerations>


Social Security Number

A string containing exactly 9 decimal digits representing a US social security number.



A string containing an ISO timestamp in the form "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ". For MCT firmware versions prior to 10.51: A string containing information as entered by the driver. Trailing blanks are trimmed.



A string representing a real number indicating the odometer reading in tenths of miles. The decimal point is included in the string. Example: "105421.3". For MCT firmware versions prior to 10.51: A string containing data as entered by the driver. Trailing blanks are trimmed.


Total Fuel Used
Idle Fuel Used
PTO Fuel Used
Parked Idle Fuel Used

A string containing a representation of a real number with one decimal place indicating the fuel used in gallons. For MCT firmware versions prior to 10.51: A string containing data as entered by the driver.  Trailing blanks are trimmed.


Arrival Timestamp

A string containing an ISO timestamp in the form "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ"
This field is auto-filled on the T/MCT when a macro containing this field is edited. The source of the data is the T/MCT's memory ~ this data is only available if the driver previously recorded it. A driver is able to record the arrival data if his T/MCT has been enabled for 'Message Combining'. If so, the driver is able to bring up the new 'Arrival Screen' when he arrives at a stop and have the T/MCT remember the Arrival Time, which will later be used to fill in this macro field. The QTRACS Macro Editor ensures that the Arrival Date & Time may only be used if the Enable Macro Arrival Fields account preference is enabled.
For firmware versions = 16.20 this field will not be included.


Message Send Timestamp

A string containing an ISO timestamp in the form "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ"
This field will be auto-filled on the T/MCT when a macro containing this field is edited. It will contain the mobile's current time.


Arrival GPS Position

A compound field of exactly 24 characters containing the following:
Latitude: a signed real number representing decimal degrees padded with blanks to 10 total characters in which a negative value indicates the southern hemisphere.
Longitude: a signed real number representing decimal degrees padded with blanks to 10 total characters in which a negative value indicates the western hemisphere.
Age: a positive decimal integer value of exactly 4 digits padded with leading zeros indicating the age of the GPS position in minutes.
This field is auto-filled on the mobile when a macro containing this field is edited.
The source of the data is the mobile's memory ~ this data is only available if the driver previously recorded it.
A driver is able to record the arrival data if his mobile has been enabled for 'Message Combining'. If so, the driver is able to bring up the new 'Arrival Screen' when he arrives at a stop and have the mobile remember the Arrival Position, which will later be used to fill in this macro field. The QTRACS Macro Editor ensures that the Arrival GPS Position may only be used if the Enable Macro Arrival Fields account preference is enabled.
For firmware versions <= 16.20 a field containing 24 blanks will be sent.


Message Send GPS Position

A compound field of exactly 24 characters containing the following:
Latitude: a signed real number representing decimal degrees padded with blanks to 10 total characters in which a negative value indicates the southern hemisphere.
Longitude: a signed real number representing decimal degrees padded with blanks to 10 total characters in which a negative value indicates the western hemisphere.
Age: a positive decimal integer value of exactly 4 digits padded with leading zeros indicating the age of the GPS position in minutes.
This field will be auto-filled on the mobile when a macro containing this field is edited. It will contain the mobile's current GPS position.
For firmware versions <= 16.20 a field containing 24 blanks will be sent.


Life-to-Date Distance

A string representing a real number containing the life-to-date distance in units of miles with a single decimal place indicating tenths of miles. Example: "100432.4". This field is automatically filled when using an MCT with a firmware version of 16.61 or better. If the MCT firmware version is < 16.61, then the input field behaves like a 12 character free format input field. The QTRACS router processes the data as a 12-character free format field.



A string (3 to 15 chars in length) consisting of alphanumeric characters only, which is used to password protect all text and fields that follow the password field.  Leading and embedded blanks are permitted. Trailing blanks should be trimmed. Variable lengths (3 to 15 chars) are supported.  Fields of this type are only valid in forward macro templates and only one password field may exist in a single macro template.  This field is supported as of 7/25/2010.

Fields in blue are auto-filled fields. These fields are only valid in return macro templates. They are automatically filled by the mobile device in most instances.

(info) The sendTextMessage will validate the fields in the message body for type and length. It will also validate that all fields that are declared mandatory in the macro template are included.

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