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Information about a landmark's definition is implemented in the Landmark object.  The attributes of the Landmark object are:








A string of maximum length 25 containing the name of the landmark.


An Address object containing the street address of the landmark.


An array of strings, maximum length 25 characters each, containing additional aliases used to uniquely identify the landmark. 
(presently, a landmark can have a maximum of 5 aliases) 


A single character value indicating if the landmark should be referenced in asset (vehicle/trailer) position proximity references. Valid values are:
"0" - Do not use in position proximity references
"1" - Use in position proximity references


A string of maximum length 20 containing the landmark type ID of the landmark.
A list of valid landmark types can be found on the Landmark Types & Attributes page.


A string of maximum length 10 containing the applicable division ID for the landmark.
Blank value indicates the landmark pertains to any/all company divisions.


A string containing a timestamp in the form YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ indicating the time (GMT) the landmark was created.


A string of maximum length 50 containing the user who created this landmark.


A string containing a timestamp in the form YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ indicating the time (GMT) the landmark was last modified.


A string of maximum length 50 containing the user who last modified this landmark.


An Polygon object containing details of the landmark's polygonal boundary.


A floating point (double) value containing the landmark's circular centroid latitude, expressed in signed decimal degrees.
The circular centroid of the landmark is the calculated center point coordinate of the smallest circular boundary which encompasses the landmark's entire polygonal boundary.  
A positive value (rounded to 6 decimal places) indicates the northern hemisphere. A negative value indicates the southern hemisphere.


A floating point (double) value containing the circular centroid longitude of the landmark, expressed in signed decimal degrees.
The circular centroid of the landmark is the calculated center point coordinate of the smallest circular boundary which encompasses the landmark's entire polygonal boundary.
A positive value (rounded to 6 decimal places) indicates the eastern hemisphere. A negative value indicates the western hemisphere.


A floating point (double) number indicating the radius, from the circular centroid latitude/longitude coordinate, of the smallest circular boundary which encompasses the landmark's entire polygonal boundary. The smallest acceptable value is .01 (the distance is expressed in miles or kilometers, depending on your company's unit of measure preference) .


A floating point (double) number indicating the radius, from the circular centroid latitude/longitude coordinate, to a circular pre-arrival boundary around the landmark.
NOTE: This value is now required to be a whole number, any decimal value passed in will be truncated to an integer.
(The distance is expressed in miles or kilometers, depending on your company's unit of measure preference) 


An array of LandmarkAttribute objects containing an attribute of the landmark and its value.


An array of strings, maximum length 25 characters each, containing the names of landmarks which are associated with the returned landmark.  


A string of maximum length 25 containing the name of the "primary" landmark within the landmark association.

WSDL Definition

Here is how the Landmark object is defined within the WSDL

<complexType name="Landmark">


      <element name="name" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>

      <element name="address" nillable="true" type="tns2:Address"/>

      <element name="aliases" nillable="true" type="tns2:ArrayOf_xsd_nillable_string"/>

      <element name="useInProxRef" type="xsd:boolean"/>

      <element name="typeID" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>

      <element name="divisionID" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>

      <element name="createTime" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>

      <element name="createUser" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>

      <element name="lastModTime" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>

      <element name="lastModUser" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>

      <element name="polygon" nillable="true" type="tns2:Polygon"/>

      <element name="circCentroidLat" type="xsd:double"/>

      <element name="circCentroidLong" type="xsd:double"/>

      <element name="circRadius" type="xsd:double"/>

      <element name="preArrRadius" type="xsd:double"/>

      <element name="attributes" nillable="true" type="impl:ArrayOf_tns2_nillable_LandmarkAttribute"/>

      <element name="assocLandmarkNames" nillable="true" type="tns2:ArrayOf_xsd_nillable_string"/>

      <element name="assocPrimaryLandmarkName" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>




Sample XML

Here is a sample showing what the Landmark object would look like in XML


   <name>Superior Distribution Inc</name>


      <street>123 Main Street</street>





























         <value>John E. Smith</value>








      <string>Superior Dist(Inbound)</string>

      <string>Superior Dist(Outbound)</string>


   <assocPrimaryLandmarkName>Superior Distribution Inc</assocPrimaryLandmarkName>


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