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Omnitracs Knowledge Base

HOS Driver Violation Events by Group ID

add.pngAvailable in PIT v2.3

This ILE API wraps the HOS Driver Violation Events by Group ID web service. See its documentation for a further explanation of the input and output parameters, as well as the possible error conditions.


Parameter Interface:

Parameter Direction Type Length Precision Description
Group ID Input Character 50 n/a ID of a driver group or "- All -" for all groups.
Rule Set Input Character 50 n/a Rule set for which violations will be returned e.g. "USA" - see HOS web service for complete list of valid rule set values.
Start Timestamp Input Character 19 n/a Start timestamp (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS) of first violation in the local driver depot timezone. Specifying a blank value will default the start timestamp to the beginning of the current day. Note: the maximum start to end timestamp time span cannot exceed 30 days.
End Timestamp Input Character 19 n/a End timestamp (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS) of the last violation in the local driver depot timezone. Specifying a blank value will default the end timestamp to the end of the current day. Note: the maximum start to end timestamp time span cannot exceed 30 days.
Time Resolution Input Character 1 n/a This parameter specifies whether certain values in the response are returned in seconds or minutes, where '1' = Values are returned in seconds, and '0' = values are returned in minutes.
Prior Edit? Input Character 1 n/a Calculate violations prior to any edits, where: '1' = Yes and '0' = No
Drivers in Violation Array Output Character n/a n/a An array of up to 400 drivers that have one or more violation events. See HSDRVVIOARR structure defined in HSDRVVGDS copy file and also outlined below.
Violation Events per Driver Array Output Character n/a n/a An array of up to 100,000 driver violation events consisting of one to many violation event entries per driver. See HSDRVEVTARR structure defined in HSDRVVGDS copy file and also outlined below.
Response Group ID Output Character 50 n/a Response ID of the driver group.
Response Rule Set Output Character 50 n/a Response Rule set for which violations are being returned.
Response Drivers in Violation Array Count Output Decimal 5 0 The number of entries (drivers) in the Drivers in Violation output array
Error Category Output Decimal 3 0 Error Category, if any
Error Code Output Decimal 5 0 Error Code, if any. An OUTCODE = 999 indicates the response exceeded the maximum allowable size supported by this wrapper. The call should be re-issued with more restrictive filtration criteria.
Error Description Output Character 150 varying n/a Error description, if any

Note: Depending on the target company and the filtration criteria specified by the caller, this web service can return very large responses which can exceed the maximum sizes of some of the pre-defined receiving structures. In these cases the call must be re-issued with more restrictive filtration criteria e.g. shorter date range and/or specific group ID rather than all groups. An OUTCODE = 999 indicates this condition has occurred.

Two distinct yet related arrayed structures are defined to contain the set of drivers that have at least one violation event, and the set of one or more of each driver's violation event data. The two structures are linked by driver ID. The output driver structure (hsDrvVioArr) contains one entry per driver - see HSVIOEXPORT structure below. The driver violation event structure (hsDrvEvtArr) contains one to many violation event entries per driver - see HSEVTEXPORT structure below.

An error category of 0 means that the call completed successfully.

Drivers in Violation Structure (HSVIOEXPORT):

This data structure may be mapped over each of the 400 elements of the drivers in violation array output parameter. The array contains a fixed number of elements (400). All fields are varying character - a length of zero indicates a value was not returned by the web service. The output violation array count parameter indicates the number of entries (drivers) in the array. The See the HSDRVVGDS copy file for all related external structure definitions:

Field Type Length Precision Description
DriverID Character Varying 50 n/a Driver ID
TimeZone Character Varying 50 n/a Timezone
RestBreakVio Character Varying 10 n/a Rest Break Violations
DrivingVio Character Varying 10 n/a Driving Violations
OnDutyVio Character Varying 10 n/a On Duty Violations
CumOnDutVio Character Varying 10 n/a Cumulative On Duty Violations
ShiftVio Character Varying 10 n/a Shift Violations
DayOffVio Character Varying 10 n/a Day Off Violations
PassRuleVio Character Varying 10 n/a Passenger Rule Violations
DailyOffVio Character Varying 10 n/a Daily Off Violations
DailyOff2HVio Character Varying 10 n/a Daily Off Two Hour Violations
DeferDrvVio Character Varying 10 n/a Deferral Driving Violations
TotODDefVio Character Varying 10 n/a Total Off Duty ForD eferral Violations
DefD1ODVio Character Varying 10 n/a Deferral Day 1 Off Duty Violations
DefD2ODVio Character Varying 10 n/a Deferral Day 2 Off Duty Violations
RestBrkExVio Character Varying 10 n/a Rest Break After Exemption Violations
EventCount Decimal 5 0 Driver violation event count i.e number of driver violations for this driver in the driver violation event array

Driver Violation Event Structure (HSEVTEXPORT):

This data structure may be mapped over each of the 100,000 elements of the driver violation event array output parameter. The array contains a fixed number of elements (100,000). All fields are varying character - a length of zero indicates a value was not returned by the web service. The EventCount field of the driver's entry in the array of HSVIOEXPORT structures (above) indicates the number of violation event entries for the given driver. See the HSDRVVGDS copy file for all related external structure definitions:

Field Type Length Precision Description
Driver ID Character Varying 50 n/a Driver ID
Type Character Varying 50 n/a Violation event type
Time Character Varying 19 n/a Violation event timestamp (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS)
Duration Character Varying 10 n/a Violation event duration
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