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Omnitracs Knowledge Base

Integration Toolkit Web Service Wrappers

Wrapper API Specifications

The following list of Integration Toolkit APIs serve as local wrappers for their respective remote Services Portal web services. The wrappers may be called directly from customer integration code.

(plus) = Available in PIT v2.3






Wrapper Specifications



Program name


Vehicle Management

Create Vehicle API


Vehicle Management

Delete Vehicle API


Vehicle Management

Rename Vehicle API


Vehicle Management

Change Vehicle API


Vehicle Management

Get Vehicle Identifier API


Vehicle Management

Get Vehicle Information API


Vehicle Management

Get Vehicle Unit Address API


Vehicle Management

Ping Vehicle API


Vehicle Management

Change Vehicle Coverage API


Vehicle Management

Add Vehicle to Message Group API


Vehicle Management

Change Vehicle Message Group API


Vehicle Management

Remove Vehicle from Message Group API


Vehicle Management

Change Vehicle License Plate Info API


Vehicle Management

Change Vehicle VIN API


Vehicle Management

Get Vehicle List API


Vehicle Inspection Report

VIR Update Inspection Report API


Text and Macro Messaging

Send Text Message (Queued) API


Text and Macro Messaging

Send Text Message (Non-Queued) API


Text and Macro Messaging

Send Binary Message (Non-Queued) API


Text and Macro Messaging

Carbon Copy Return Message API


Text and Macro Messaging

Mark Message as Seen API


Text and Macro Messaging

Refresh Local Macro Template Definitions API


Trailer Management

Create Trailer API


Trailer Management

Delete Trailer API


Trailer Management

Get Trailer Information API


Trailer Management

Ping Trailer API


Trailer Management

Rename Trailer API


Trailer Management

Set Trailer Type API


Trailer Management

Assign Trailer Monitoring Plan API


Trailer Management

Get Scheduled Reefer Monitoring API

(plus) T2GETRMON

Trailer Management

Set Scheduled Reefer Monitoring API

(plus) T2SETRMON

Trailer Management

Get Trailer ID List API


Event Subscription Service

ESS High Volume Dequeue API


Performance Monitoring

Request Extract API


Performance Monitoring

Enable Vehicle For ST API


Performance Monitoring

Disable Vehicle For ST API


Performance Monitoring

Change Vehicle Parameter Type API


Performance Monitoring

Change Vehicle Management Group API


Performance Monitoring

Change Driver Management Group API


Performance Monitoring

Create Vehicle Management Group API


Performance Monitoring

Create Driver Management Group API


Driver Management

Get Driver ID List API


Driver Management

Create Driver API


Driver Management

Get Driver Details API


Driver Management

Get Driver Details 2 API

(plus) QTDRV2GET

Driver Management

Change Driver Login API


Driver Management

Change Driver Name API


Driver Management

Edit Driver 2 API

(plus) QTDRV2EDT

Driver Management

Delete Driver API


Global Group Management

Create Global Group API

(plus) QTGGCRT

Global Group Management

Edit Global Group API

(plus) QTGGEDT

Global Group Management

Delete Global Group API

(plus) QTGGDLT

Global Group Management

Add Global Group Members API


Global Group Management

Remove Global Group Members API


Global Group Management

Get Global Group Members API


User, Role and Company Management

Get User List API


Hours of Service (Carrier)

HOS Add Carrier API

(plus) HSCARCR

Hours of Service (Carrier)

HOS Update Driver's Carrier API

(plus) HSCARUP

Hours of Service (Depot)

HOS Create Depot API

(plus) HSDEPCR

Hours of Service (Drivers)

HOS Export Driver Information API


Hours of Service (Drivers)

HOS Export Driver by Depot ID API


Hours of Service (Drivers)

HOS Get Driver Properties


Hours of Service (Drivers)

HOS Add Driver Group


Hours of Service (Drivers)

HOS Update Driver Extended

(plus) HSDRVUX

Hours of Service (Drivers)

HOS Add Driver Extended

(plus) HSDRVAX

Hours of Service (Drivers)

HOS Driver Log Events

(plus) HSDRVLE

Hours of Service (Drivers)

HOS US Driver Log Reports 2

(plus) HSDRVLR

Hours of Service (Drivers)

HOS Export Driver Clock by Depot ID

(plus) HSDRVCD

Hours of Service (Drivers)

HOS Driver Log Queue Ex

(plus) HSDRVLQ

Hours of Service (Drivers)

HOS Get Roll Off Time by Depot ID

(plus) HSDRVRO

Hours of Service (Drivers)

HOS Get Violation Events

(plus) HSDRVVE

Hours of Service (Drivers)

HOS Driver Violation Events by Group ID

(plus) HSDRVVG

Hours of Service (Load)

HOS Add Load API

(plus) HSLODCR

Hours of Service (Load)

HOS Update Load API

(plus) HSLODUP

Hours of Service

HOS Verify Access


Hours of Service (Vehicles)

HOS Create Vehicle API

(plus) HSVEHCR

Hours of Service (Vehicles)

HOS Create Vehicle Group API


Hours of Service (Vehicles)

HOS Get Vehicle API


Hours of Service (Vehicles)

HOS Get Vehicles API

(plus) HSVEHLS

Hours of Service (Vehicles)

HOS Update Vehicle API

(plus) HSVEHUP

Business System Service (IQ)

IQ Move Serial Number to Profile API


Business System Service (IQ)

IQ Get Profile by Serial Number API


Business System Service (IQ)

IQ Get Serial Numbers by Profile ID API


Specifications for Creating Other Wrapper APIs

The following list provides the Product Codes that
are associated to all the Web Services currently in Production. These Product Codes are needed as part of the format when the Send_Req function is called.


Product Code



Associated Web Service Group



QTRACS Web Services (includes access to Load Management methods)


QTRACS Text and Macro Messaging Web Services


TrailerTRACS Web Services


Landmark Management Web Services


Global Group Management Web Services


User, Role, and Company Management Web Services


ESS Web Services


Vehicle Inspection Reporting


Business System Services


Hours of Service Vehicles


Hours of Service Portal


Hours of Service Loads


Hours of Service Drivers


Hours of Service Depot


Hours of Service Customer


Hours of Service Carrier

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