Revision 2.0 of the Portal Integration Toolkit (PIT) was made available during the spring of 2010.
Recall that the PIT is a standalone suite of programs and libraries, to be installed on a customer's AS/400 machine. Typically, customers will also have the QTRACS/400 suite of products installed as well, but this is not a requirement. The PIT permits AS/400 customers to invoke web services on the Portal. These web services include the ESS Dequeue web service, which allows customers to receive ESS transactions and Macro messages.
In order to consume ESS transactions and macro messages, several customer-specific datafiles must be copied from the Portal to the customer's AS/400. This must be done at least once per Portal release, and also should be done whenever a customer edits, creates, or deletes a macro via the Portal website.
When it is time to copy these datafiles, the program IICPYCOMAC must be run on the Portal's AS/400. This program takes two parameters: 1) the CustomerID in question and 2) the target OS level (as of the November 2011 release). Valid values for target OS level are *CURRENT, *PRV, and VxRxMx.
An EARLIER VERSION of this program copied OMMACROS, IIDICREF, IIDICGRP, and IIDICTNRY into a save file in QGPL. This program was enhanced to do much more, all of which is explained in the program's header comments, copied below:
This program is intended to be run from an interactive green-screen session on the
iSeries serving as the "back-end" for the Services Portal. A "shared data"
library list should be used.This program is used to generate a save file for AS/400 customers wishing to integrate
with the Services Portal. The save file will contain important items that allow
the Portal Integration Toolkit to function.The save file will be created in QTEMP, which means it will be available ONLY to the
currently signed-on user, and ONLY for the duration of that interactive session.The save file will be called IIINTDATA. The save file must be FTP'd to the customer's
iSeries. The save file's contents are three save files, each of which contain a library.
The libraries are each to be restored to corresponding libraries on the customer iSeries.
During restore, existing objects in the customer libraries will be overwritten.*SAVF IIINTDATA contains:
*SAVF IIDATA - contains library IIDATA - Restore this library to OMNIDATA
*SAVF IITRACS - contains library IITRACS - Restore this library to OMNITRACS
*SAVF IIDLVSRC - contains library IIDLVSRC - Restore this library to OMNIDLVSRCLibrary IIDATA contains:
IIMACROS ---- Portal Integration Toolkit copy of customer's macros
IIDICGRP +-- Portal Integration Toolkit copy of customer's macro dictionary
IIDICTNRY /Library IITRACS contains:
TSTRTYP - Portal Integration Toolkit ESS Transaction Types
TSTRPUB - Portal Integration Toolkit ESS Publishable Transaction Types
TSXELEM - Portal Integration Toolkit ESS Elements
TSXATTR - Portal Integration Toolkit ESS Attributes
TSXTAG - Portal Integration Toolkit ESS TagsLibrary IIDLVSRC contains:
IIRPGSRC - RPG Source File containing Deliverable Sources - DO NOT RESTORE THIS
which contains:
TSTRANDS - ESS Fixed Format Transaction Data Structure — RESTORE ONLY THIS