Get Subscriber Information
The getSubscriberInfo web service returns detailed information about an ESS subscriber.
SubscriberInfo getSubscriberInfo(int SubscriberID) throws WSException
- SubscriberID: An integer identifier of the subscriber from whose queue transactions will be retrieved. The valid range for this field is 1-999999999.
For more information about the SubscriberInfo object returned, see SubscriberInfo.
Authorization Requirements
The credentials supplied with this method call (as specified in the accompanying WS-Security header) must be authorized to the following application(s) and their associated role-based permissions.
Required Application Licenses
- Remote Integration
Required User Permissions
- Can maintain integration
Customer integrators are authorized to their own company's data only.
002 Required field not specified.
003 User not authorized.
004 Subscriber ID not found.
005 Subscriber ID out of range.
007 User not authorized.
Sample getSubscriberInfo Request
Only the SOAP body is shown. To see a sample SOAP Envelope and Header, view the Web Service Security page.
Sample getSubscriberInfo Response