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Calling the Web Service class was created to demostrate calling a web service. For an integrator to invoke the web service, they will have to construct the following code. This code creates a SoapBindingStub object, sets the username and password and then invokes the web service. 

public static qtracswebws.datatype.VehicleInfo getVehInfo(String username, String password, AssetIdentifier ai) throws Exception



    qtracswebws.websvcs.QTWebSvcsSoapBindingStub binding;

    qtracswebws.datatype.VehicleInfo info = new qtracswebws.datatype.VehicleInfo() ;





         binding = (qtracswebws.websvcs.QTWebSvcsSoapBindingStub)

                       new qtracswebws.websvcs.QTWebSvcsServiceLocator().getQTWebSvcs();







            info = binding.getVehicleInformation(ai);



         catch (sharedws.exception.WSException e1)


            System.out.println("WSException Exception caught: " + e1);



      catch (javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException jre)






      return info;



This code would be invoked by:

AssetIdentifier ai = new AssetIdentifier();



qtracswebws.datatype.VehicleInfo info = new qtracswebws.datatype.VehicleInfo();


// get Vehicle Info

info = testQTws.getVehInfo("USER@COMPANY""password", ai);

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