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Omnitracs Knowledge Base

Modifying app.config

Modify app.config

(info) This issue appears to apply only when you are trying to make a distribution by creating a setup project through Visual Studio .NET.

Modify app.config so that the version matches the version of Microsoft.Web.Services2.dll. You can find the version of the DLL by selecting it in your setup project and looking at its Version property. Modify app.config so that the version matches.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>



    <section name="microsoft.web.services2" type="Microsoft.Web.Services2.Configuration.WebServicesConfiguration,

                  Microsoft.Web.Services2, Version=, Culture=neutralPublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" />




      <trace enabled="true" input="InputTrace.webinfo" output="OutputTrace.webinfo" />




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