Installing Microsoft (WSE) Web Service Enhancements
Microsoft Web Services Enhancements (WSE)
Download and install Microsoft's Web Services Enhancements in order to generate web service clients in Visual Studio .NET. Various versions and documentation are available from Microsoft.
Cornerstone Software currently uses Version 2.0 SP2 of Microsoft's Web Services Enhancements in our testers. WSE 2.0 SP3 and WSE 3.0 are also available and may provide improvements and solutions to some of our problems.
May, 2006: We have been using Version 2.0 SP3 of late and there do not appear to be any issues.
WSE 3.0 is compatible with .NET Framework Version 2.0 and/or Visual Studio 2005. See the WSE 3.0 Readme for details.
In other words, if you are running Visual Studio 2003 or .NET Framework 1.1, you do NOT want to load 3.0, you want to load 2.0 SP3.