Driver 2
Information about a driver is implemented in the Driver2 object. A Driver2 object provides all of the information in a Driver object with additional data. The attributes of a Driver2 object are:
createDriver2 value
editDriver2 value
driverId |
A string of 4-10 characters containing the unique identifier of the driver. |
required |
required - used to identify the driver whose details are to be modified. Thus, a driver's driverId cannot be modified once a driver is created. |
driverName |
A string of maximum length 30 containing the name of the driver. |
required |
required |
driverLogin |
A string of maximum length 8 containing the login password entered by the driver on the mobile device. Passwords are alphanumeric. |
required |
required |
prefMonPassword |
A string of maximum length 9 containing the Performance Monitoring login password entered by the driver on the mobile device. Performance Monitoring passwords are strings containing all digits. |
required - when the company is licensed for Performance Monitoring |
ignored - cannot be modified once a driver is created |
fleetId |
A string of maximum length 32 containing the fleet id of the driver. |
ignored - auto-filled by the system |
ignored - auto-filled by the system |
subfleetId |
A string of maximum length 32 containing the sub-fleet id of the driver. |
optional |
optional |
loggedOnTime |
A string containing a timestamp in the form YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ. |
ignored - auto-filled by the system |
ignored - auto-filled by the system |
loggedOntoVehicle |
An Asset Identifier object containing the SCAC and ID of the vehicle the driver is currently logged onto. |
ignored; auto-filled by the system |
ignored; auto-filled by the system |
connectedTrailers[] |
An array of Asset Identifier objects, each Assetidentifer contains the SCAC and ID of a trailer that is currently connected to the LoggedOntoVehicle. Up to 5 connected trailers are returned. |
ignored; auto-filled by the system |
ignored; auto-filled by the system |
alias |
A string of maximum length 30 containing the alias of the driver. |
optional |
optional |
assigned Vehicle |
An Asset Identifier object containing the SCAC and ID of the vehicle the driver is assigned to. |
optional |
optional |
cdl |
A string of maximum length 20 containing the driver's CDL number. The ISO 3166-2 compliant CDL Jurisdiction may optionally be included in brackets if the CDL is specified. (e.g. [US-PA]12345678) |
optional |
optional |
cdlEndorsements[] |
An array of strings, maximum length 60 characters each, containing the cdl endorsements assigned to this driver. Additional information about cdl endorsements can be found here. |
blank - do not assign cdl endorsements |
blank - remove all assigned cdl endorsements |
status |
A single character value containing the driver's status. Valid values are: |
optional |
optional |
shift |
A string of maximum length 30 containing the driver's shift. |
optional |
optional |
employeeType |
A single character value containing the driver's employee type. Valid values are: |
optional |
optional |
limitations[] |
An array of strings, maximum length 60 characters each, containing the limitations assigned to this driver. Addditonal information about limitations can be found here. |
blank - do not assign limitations |
blank - remove all assigned limitations |
bidNumber |
A string of maximum length 30 containing the driver's bid number. |
optional |
optional |
assignedCompanyLocation |
A string of maximum length 25 containing the name of the company location landmark the driver is assigned to. |
optional |
optional |
customDriverAttributes[] |
An array of the Custom Driver Attribute objects, containing the custom driver attribute names and associated values for this driver. Additional information about custom driver attributes can be found here. |
Look here . |
Look here. |
driverFirstName |
A string of 2-35 characters in length containing the first name of the driver. |
required if the QT-to-HOS entity maintenance bridge is enabled; otherwise optional |
optional |
driverLastName |
A string of 2-35 characters in length containing the last name of the driver. |
required if the QT-to-HOS entity maintenance bridge is enabled; otherwise optional |
optional |
WSDL Definition
Here is how the Driver2 object is defined within the WSDL
Sample XML
Here is a sample showing what the Driver object would look like in XML