Get Sent Message Status Webservice Details
This method is used to retrieve the status of a specific message that had been sent previously.
The message is retrieved by its Key.
Authorization Requirements
The credentials supplied with this method call (as specified in the accompanying WS-Security header) must be authorized to the following application(s) and their associated role-based permissions.
Required Application Licenses
- Copilot
- Remote Integration
The user must also have been granted the capability 'Can send CoPilot messages' on the Customer portal.
Calling Interface
GetSentMessageResponse getSentMessage (GetSentMessageRequest getMessage) throws WSException
- getMessage: The GetSentMessageRequest encapsulates the information required to query for status on the sent CoPilot message
- returns GetSentMessageResponse
- Indicates the status of the requests message
Id |
IdType |
Indicate the key of the message to query the status. The Key must be filled into the Id element. |
Yes |
Sample XML Requests
Only the SOAP body is shown. To see a sample SOAP Envelope and Header, click here.
This sample asks for all Pending requests.
Message |
IncomingMessageType |
List of Messages. WIll have one message if it is found, and will be empty if none are found. |
Yes |
Id |
Contains the unique keys for this message for both customer and platform |
Yes |
Routing |
Contains the information about how the message was routed |
Yes |
Payload |
Container for actual payload in the message |
Yes |
Created |
dateTime |
Message creation time |
No |
AuditHistory |
Any additional information about the creation and changes to the message |
Yes |
Sample XML Response
The payload is not returned for GetSentMessageRequest.
0000 - There was a problem with the request, either the XML was invalid, or no soap operation was found.
0001 - Too many web service calls too quickly. Make the request later.
0002 - An Internal Error Occurred when trying to process the request. Please try again later.
0003 - Authentication Failed. Check the user credentials
0004 - Not Authorized (No Authorized Apps found)
0005 - WSSE Header Block missing or invalid
0006 - WSSE Header Username token is missing or invalid
1000 - No Data Found. Was not able to locate a required resource
1001 - Invalid Input, Something missing or incorrect in the request. Exception will indicate what the problem was.
1002 - Internal Error, some unknown error occurred. Retry later or call customer service.
1003 - Not authorized. Not authorized to use this service. Check the User Roles on the customer portal