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Omnitracs Knowledge Base

Why are some incidents not listed?

For customers logging in through the US Services Portal (, CER now uses global groups instead of vehicle groups to display vehicle incidents. Previously, or if you are logging in through a different instance of the Services Portal (for example, in Mexico or Canada), you are still using CER vehicle groups.

Global groups enable you to use the same vehicle (and driver) groups across all Services Portal applications that recognize global groups. This change can affect which assets you see listed in two different ways:

  • You may have different permissions for global groups than you had for CER vehicle groups. Global groups recognize two types of user. Unrestricted users can see all assets regardless of global group membership. Restricted users can only see assets that belong to global groups they are a member of. If you are a restricted user, you won't see all of the vehicles you saw before CER was upgraded to use global groups. If you need your vehicle access changed, contact your company's system administrator.
  • With global groups came changes to how a vehicle's history is retrieved. In most cases, you don't see a difference in the listed incidents. However, if your company recently changed the vehicle id (VID) associated with a mobile unit, such as moving it from one vehicle to another, the incident list does not include incidents from before the move. This is true if you are a restricted user or an unrestricted user using one or more groups to filter by. If you are an unrestricted user, change your global group filter to see all assets. All incidents then appear.



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