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Omnitracs Knowledge Base

HOS (Hours of Service) Tab

The Hours of Service (HOS) tab lists additional information about the driver who is involved in the incident.

Duty Status

Icons indicate the driver's duty status at the time of the incident.

Icon Meaning
driving.gif The driver is driving.
onduty.gif The driver is on duty but not driving.
offduty.gif The driver is off duty.
sleeperberth.gif The driver is in the sleeper berth.
offdutydriving.gif The driver is in off-duty driving status, typically used when a driver takes the company vehicle home after the workday.


Status Information

Icons depict whether or not the logs have been edited. The status icon changes when the driver sends a status change in via the in-cab mobile unit.

Icon Meaning
edited.gif The driver log has been edited..
edited_gray.gif The driver log has not been edited.
confirmed.gif The driver log has been confirmed.
confirmed_gray.gif The driver log has not been confirmed.
sensorfailure.gif There has been a sensor failure.
sensorfailure_gray.gif There has not been a sensor failure


DOT hours

A summary of how much time a driver has left before violating specified Hours of Service rules. If the driver is actively driving, negative values show that the driver violated the rule by the number of hours and minutes shown. If the driver is not driving, negative values mean the driver is out of time on that clock. 10h52 is read as 10 hours and 52 minutes.


If applicable, the co-driver's first and last names.

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