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Omnitracs Knowledge Base

Circle of Service

The Circle of Service lets your drivers know quickly and easily the tasks they need to complete at each stop. When creating your circles of service, you create the different stop types the driver may encounter throughout the day, and for each stop type you define the tasks to be completed at that stop type. The driver may not use all possible stop types, while others would likely occur every day. For instance, you most likely would want stop types for the beginning and end of the trip, with delivery and/or pickup stops occurring between. But, you may also want to create stop types for other events the driver may encounter, such as an accident or breakdown, with necessary tasks the driver should complete in those situations.

The first step is to create the stop types.

  1. Click Add Stop Type; the Add Stop Type window opens.
  2. Enter the Stop Name and Stop Type.
  3. If you are using this stop type as a planned stop type in Omnitracs Dispatching, click the Dispatch Stop Type arrow and select the dispatching stop type that corresponds to this stop type. Then, check Set as default for "x" dispatch stop type, where x is the Dispatch Stop Type that was chosen from the list. All stops created in Omnitracs Dispatching with this dispatch stop type will appear in Drive as this Stop Type. For instance, if you have a Stop Type of Rest Break and it is the default for the Dispatch Stop Type of Break, then all breaks created in Omnitracs Dispatching will appear as Rest Breaks in Drive.
    Note: Omnitracs recommends that if you are using Omnitracs Dispatching, you do not use the Generic stop type; instead use the stop type that matches the one found in Omnitracs Dispatching. For instance, if creating a stop type that is a form of a break, choose Break as the Dispatch Stop Type.
    If you are not using Omnitracs Dispatching and are using a transportation management system (TMS), skip to step 4.
  4. If the stop type will be a planned stop, check Planned Stop. Examples of planned stops could be start trip or delivery; an example of an unplanned stop type is accident.
    If this stop type is similar to an existing stop type and you want to copy the tasks from that type, check Clone tasks from existing stop. Click the Select Stop arrow and choose the stop type to use as the basis. You can then add, delete, or change the tasks on the new stop type.
  5. If the stop type is a planned stop, and you do not want it included as part of the Completed stops counter in My Day Planner, check Do not include in Trip Header Completed count.
  6. If you want to add additional stop types, click the [Save+] button. 
    If you have finished adding stop types, click the [Save] button. 

Once you have created the stop type, you need to add the tasks that the driver can complete at those stops. When you add a task to a stop type, you can specify whether it is required, optional, or manual.

  1. In the stop type list, click on the stop type you want to add tasks to. The right panel lists any tasks already associated with the stop type.
  2. Click Add Task Type. The Add Task Type window opens.
  3. Click the Select Task arrow to open a list of available tasks, and then select the task you want to add.
  4. Click the Choose Task Necessity arrow and choose whether the task is Required, Optional, or Manual.
  • Required - the driver cannot complete the stop until the task is completed. 
  • Optional - the driver can choose whether or not to complete the task. Optional tasks are marked as optional in the driver's circle of service. 
  • Manual - the driver can add this task to the stop, if necessary. Manual tasks do not appear in the circle of service until the driver adds them.
  1. Click the [Save] button.

The tasks will appear in the order listed in the circle of service. To change the order of the tasks, click the grabber icon on the left of the task card and, holding down your mouse button, drag the task to the proper place in the list.

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