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Omnitracs Knowledge Base

AMG-C Front LED Light Quick Reference Guide

Status LED Indicators

As seen here, the Status LED light indicators are located on the right side of the AMG-C.

AMGC front LED quick reference v2.png

This LED indicates the connectivity and health status of the AMG-C to the driver. When the vehicle is in motion, the Status LED is disabled. This is also known as the Driver Notification or DN LED.

OFF:     Vehicle is in motion or device is powered off.
Cyan Device is booting. 
Solid Red:

Device is not in healthy state and vehicle is not in motion. Indicates at least one of the following is in a bad state
•    VIOP (*remove VIOP per meeting)
•    WiFi
•    Bluetooth
•    Cellular Connection
•    GPS


Solid Blue:  No tablet connected, device is healthy, and vehicle not in motion.
Blinking Green:

Indicates the process of connecting to a tablet. The device is in a healthy state and the vehicle is not in motion.

NOTE: This status may not always be seen if the table connection occurs quickly.

Solid Green: Tablet is connected, device is healthy, vehicle not in motion
Yellow Sleep mode.  During this mode, the Bluetooth, Wifi, and Cellular capabilities of the devices are off.


ELD/UVA LED Indicators

The ELD/UVA LED is the top light on the AMG-C. This LED is used to notify the driver when Unassigned Vehicle Activity (UVA) occurs.


Normal operation, no UVA

Blinking Red:

UVA detected. Occurs when vehicle is in motion (speed > 0) and either:

  •  Driver is not logged in to tablet
  • Connection between tablet and AMG-C interrupted

Once this state is set, the LED will continue to blink until the driver is logged into the tablet and the tablet is connected to the AMG-C, at which point it will transition back to Off



Upgrade Process LED Indicators

The Status LED is the lower light on the AMG-C. This LED is used to notify the driver when events occur during the process to upgrade the AMG-C device software.

Slow Pulsing Green:

Software update in progress. The LED will cycle between smoothly ramping brightness up to full power and then back down to off, similar to a breathing action.

If the upgrade is successful, both led indicators will change to white and could stay white for up to 2 minutes. The color will then change to blue or cyan to indicate normal operational status. 



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