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Omnitracs Knowledge Base

Planning Your Day

Note: Depending on settings, some information and features may not be available.

After you have successfully signed in to Omnitracs Drive, if an active trip is not available, the Planner view displays. Any inactive trips assigned to you display with a gray dispatched icon in front of the trip information. From this view you can do many things, such as activate a trip, pause a trip, and check your Hours of Service Duty Status. From the Main Menu, you can access the Map view, view messages, documents, and Drive help, complete adhoc forms, as well as synchronize your trip and change your settings. You can also press Map or Messages at the top of the screen to see your trip on the map or to read messages.

Note: If a trip assigned to you is modified by the dispatcher, a notification displays on your mobile device.

Depending on the stage that a trip is in, you will see one of the following icons in front of each trip on the Planner screen:

planned.png Planned Trip - A planned trip for which you are assigned as the driver displays the Planned Trip icon. You must activate the trip before you are able to start it. 

 dispatched.pngDispatched Trip - A trip that is dispatched to you displays the Dispatched Trip icon. You must activate the trip before you are able to start it. 

offered.png Offered Trip - A trip that is tendered to you displays the Offered Trip icon. You must accept the trip before it can be activated. 

active.png Active - A trip that is activated is ready to be started and deliveries and pickups recorded. Only one trip can be active at a time. 

paused.png Paused Trip - A trip that has had service suspended displays the Paused Trip icon. You must resume the trip to make it active again. 

Completed.png Completed Trip - A trip on which all the stops have been serviced displays the Completed Trip icon.

  1. Press the Options menu next to the trip with which you want to work. Depending on the stage that the trip is in, the menu will contain some, but not all of the following options.

    Activate - Changes a planned or dispatched trip to active. Only active trips can be started or serviced. Only one trip can be active at a time.

    Accept - Changes an offered trip to a planned trip. You must then make the trip active before you can start or service stops.

    Map Image - Shows an image of the trip's course in Planner. You cannot press stops to open the circle of service from this screen, but you can zoom and move the map.

    View More - Shows a Summary of the trip. You can see appointment windows for deliveries and pickups, addresses, contacts, and a satellite view of the stop locations on the trip.

    Reject - Removes the trip from the device.

  2. To make the trip active, press Activate. Options that are available from the menu after a trip is activated include:

Open - Opens the Home screen in Map view and shows the trip with all the stops.

Pause - Pauses the trip and removes it from the Map view on the Home screen. You can only have one active trip at a time, so if you need to switch to another trip, you can pause the current active trip and activate another trip.

Resume - Resumes the trip that was previously paused and opens it in Map view on the Home screen.

Map Image - Shows an image of the trip path in Planner. You cannot press stops to open the circle of service from this screen, but you can zoom and move the map.

View More - Shows a Summary of the trip and summary of each stop. You can see appointment windows for deliveries and pickups, addresses, contacts, and a satellite view of the stop location.

Abandon - Removes the trip from the device and sets the status to Abandon in Omnitracs. You can only abandon active trips.

Complete - Removes the trip from the device and sets the status to Completed. This action does not complete the stops, it only completes the trip.

  1. Press the Options menu next to the active trip and choose Open to proceed with your trip. You can also press a stop to open the Circle of Service for a specific stop.

Note: Depending on settings, the Map may display or you continue to see the Planner. The Map view displays your trip plotted on the map.

In Planner view, for each stop that displays on the trip, you can click the Options menu beside it and choose an action.

Adhoc - Opens the Adhoc screen so that you can add a task that is not included with the trip.

Open - Opens the Home screen and shows the Circle of Service, in Map view, for the stop.

Skip - Skips the stop and moves on to the next stop on the trip.

View More - Shows a Summary of the stop which includes the address, contacts, and a satellite view link for the stop location.

If you want to view your Hours of Service status, press the HOS tab. Your Current Status and hours of rest, driving, on duty, and time to violation information displays. Press ELD Activities to view or edit your ELD logs, to declare a Work Time Extension, and more.


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