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Omnitracs Knowledge Base

Text & Macro Message Integration

Text and Macro Messaging Concepts

Integration with Text and Macro Messaging (TMM) is based on the concept of predefined fields and forms (macro message templates). These constructs provide the means to create dynamic, custom forms that may be used to send and receive messages. Messages that originate at the mobile terminal are said to be return messages. Messages that originate at the Services Portal (or from customer integration) are said to be forward messages. Users with the proper authorization are able to create forms for forward and return messages. Once created, these forms are transmitted to the entire mobile population and reside on the mobile terminals. A driver is able to call up a form, fill it with information and transmit it to the TMM application. The TMM application, in turn, publishes the content of these forms to Event Subscription Service (ESS). Remote applications that subscribe to return message feeds are able to retrieve the data from these messages through the use of the dequeue web service. In addition, the sendTextMessage web service provides the means for remote applications to transmit forward messages.

The following links describe these concepts:

The page(s) in this section will describe the relationship of the field dictionary and macro templates to the integration of forward and return messages with remote applications.


  • The Field & Group Dictionaries (Standard & Custom).
  • Field definition attributes and how they relate to integration data (forward and return).
  • Macro field types in great detail (put the whole list here and link to it).
  • Macro template creation and the relationship of macro templates to integration data.
  • Importing macro sets.
  • A forward message queueing approach. Requirements at the client.
  • The form of message body data.
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